Chapter Thirteen

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I stood there just wait for my legs to move. But nothing worked. My legs wouldn't move as I seen the men standing in my living room.

"Didn't she eat the pizza too? This is just frustrating." One of the men said. He started looking around my apartment. How did they even get in? I locked everything. I even made double sure that everything was locked. Why now? Why is everyone asleep and it didn't effect me? Was it because I only ate one slice and everyone else ate two or more?

"Just tie her up. I can't deal with all this drama. I came here for one thing and one thing only." The one said. The other guy started walking towards me but before he could get any closer I ran to the kitchen grabbing a knife. I held it in front of me thinking of what to do.

"Look little lady we just came here to get one thing. There is no need for someone to get hurt. Just put down the knife." He said. I could barely see his face from his mask and hat but by his voice I might guess he's around twenty. Aren't they robbing the apartment? Why only take one thing? What is the one thing they need so badly they broke into someone's apartment?

"Is she tied up yet?" I heard the one guy yell.

"No! The girl has a freaking knife. How do I get to her?" The guy standing in front of me yelled back. The other guy walked back in. Guessing by his voice he sounded around my age. But something about him was off. He walked into the kitchen and just held out his hand. I didn't see it at first but I sure felt it. Getting tasered was nothing like I would ever imagine. My entire body just fell to the ground. My heart was racing so fast I couldn't keep up. After I seen the guy step in front of me I blacked out.

I finally woke up to the sound of glass breaking. Though what was really bother me was my heart. It was pounding in my chest. All the women in my family have bad hearts but somehow it skipped me. But by this experience I think I'm going to have problems with my heart in the future as well.

"Wake up!" I heard someone yell. A second later a bucket of water was thrown on me making my eyes open. Standing in front of me was the same two guys. Somewhere or another the other guy vanished after he came inside the apartment.

"What happened?" I mumbled. I tried moving but soon realized I was roped in a chair. I started moving around to break loose but it only caused me more pain.

"Where is it?" The one guy asked. I could finally see his eyes. They were a dark brown and scary. Scary enough for me to look away.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I spit.

"The computer you dumb ass." He spit back.

He wants the computer. Joonsuh's computer that has everything from Minyoona's. Why?

"Why do you want the computer?" I asked. He chuckled a little.

"Maybe because after I told a certain girl to leave my past behind she didn't listen and had to keep digging into me. I told you that day in the cafe I would kill you like I did that bitch. But I don't think I had to tell you. I think that big head of yours could figure that out. You are pretty smart Rina." He said.

I froze. He's the one who killed Minyoona! He's the sick shit who killed Minyoona!

"How could you do that to a human being?" I said through my tears. My heart stopped when he walked up to me leaning down inches away from my face.

"Because it was fun. It was fun watching her beg for her life. Fun for me to watch her hang down from the school. Minyoona was a bitch. She didn't care that I liked her. No! She like that ass right there!" He was starting to get upset as he looked back at Taehyung who was sleeping on the couch.

"She didn't deserve what you did to her. No one does you sick piece of shit!" I screamed back at him. Even though he was wearing a mask I could see his mouth smirking. He slapped me across the face and then pulled me up to his face.

"We'll see how you like it when I string your body up and watch you try and struggle for air. But first I'm thinking about killing your friends and that shit face Taehyung." He spit before throwing my head back. As he turned around I saw him fly back to the ground. I didn't see what hit him at first but then I saw Taehyung standing there with my dad's ugly candle holder. Bless that ugly candle holder.

"Taehyung." I said smiling. He just slightly smiled at me as the other guy started running towards Taehyung. I watched Minyoon's killer run out my front door with the other guy who went missing. He was holding Joonsuh's laptop.

"That guy is Minyona's killer!" I screamed at Taehyung. He hit the guy he was fighting one time and started chasing them out the door. A few minutes later a breathless Taehyung ran back inside.

"You didn't find them?" I asked.

He shook his head before walking over to me. He started to untie me when the guy on the floor started waking up. Taehyung stopped untying me and walked over to the guy hitting him in the face.

"Who was that guy?" Taehyung asked. He didn't answer so Taehyung hit him again.

"Who is he!" Taehyung screamed. I saw tears toll down his face as he started hitting the guy repeatedly. Blood was on Taehyung's hand as he would pull up to punch him again. I have to stop this. I thought. I started pulling on the lose rope. It was burning and making cuts on my arms but I have to get lose. Finally!

I pulled the ropes off me and ran to Taehyung pulling him back as he fell on top of me. His eyes were cold and heartless. Not the soft brown eyes I usually see. These are the eyes everyone mostly sees thinking he's like this all the time.

"Taehyung don't kill him. You can't go to jail again. You can't! Minyoona wouldn't like it! I wouldn't!" I cried out. Either my eyes were playing tricks on me or his eyes looked normal again. I reached up hugging him. Even though he's on top of me hugging him felt right.

"I'm sorry Rina." He calmly said. He stood up holding out his hand for me to take.

"I think we should call the cops." I said.

"I don't know what to do." Taehyung bluntly said.

I reached for my phone calling the cops. About ten minutes later they came with a ambulance. The ambulance took Yona and Joonsuh. Me and Taehyung stayed behind talking to the cops. At first they didn't seem to believe us. Mostly because every person in this city has it out for Taehyung. But once they saw my apartment and the burns and cuts on my arms, they believed us. They arrested the one guy laying on the ground and started looking around for evidence of who else the two guys were.

"Wait so you are telling me that this guy told you he was the one who killed Minyoona and that he was going to do the same to you." The police officer asked.

"Yes sir. Taehyung here is a innocent civilian. He never killed Minyoona." I said. I grabbed Taehyung's hand for support. I looked up smiling at him. I saw one single tear roll down his face as he smiled back.

"Okay. Then it looks like we have a murder on our hands." The police officer said walking off.

Was telling the cops a good thing or bad? I don't know. But one thing I do know is that everyone will know Taehyung is innocent.

Even though it's pretty late and I'm tired I think this was a okay chapter. I was really nervous because I feeling a little sleepy early but after two cups of tea I was back in the game. This chapter was so fun writing. I felt like I was directing a movie . But talking about the death part was a little much for me. I have to think for a second of why I'm writing something so dark.

Anyways. Thanks for reading!


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