Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Final

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I opened my eyes to still see the empty police station. The bitch knocked me out, but wasn't smart enough to move me. How pathetic she is. Or am I the one who pathetic, I trusted Yona. I thought she was my friend, Taehyung's friend. But to think the real killer was Yona all this time. Yeah maybe Jihoon actually killed her but Yona enjoyed it, she wanted it to happen. Was she really that jealous of Minyoona?

"Rina." I blinked my eyes a few times before realizing I heard the same odd voice once before, but where? I was finally able to open my eyes to see Rina holding a huge knife in her hands, Beside her stood a camera. She wants to film me getting killed just like Minyoona.

"You crazy psycho bitch!" I yelled trying to sit up, yet my head was still recovering from the coma, and now a paper weight to the head. Damn Yona, that thing has to weighs fifteen pounds. I reached up touching my head to feel the warm blood running.

"Did I hit you to hard? Sorry, I like my victims in pain  before killing them." Yona smirked standing up. I knew I couldn't stand up just yet so instead I crawled along on the ground before I felt the sharp blade go through my leg making me stop in my tracks. I screamed out as I felt her dig the knife deeper into my freshly knew wound.

"YONA STOP!" I screamed out loud. For a second there I felt her stop, until I heard her laugh out loud.

"You are so pathetic it's unreal. I can't believe-" In a flash she stopped talking as we both heard a gunshot go off. I closed my eyes for a second believe it was from her. But to my surprise it wasn't her, and even more of a surprise the bullet went straight through her chest.

"RINA!" This voice was coming from someone I never thought I would see again. He's here. How?

"Taehyung?" I mumbled trying to sit more up. I was right, the voice did come from Taehyung. He stood beside the front door with a gun in his hand. He was wearing a oversized blue sweater with a hole in the left sholder. Both his pants and shoes though looked completely old.

"Are you hurt?" He asked running over. The last time I saw him he had soft brown hair, now his hair is a dark black. It didn't match his soft eyes, but it didn't look bad either.

"How are you here?" I asked touching his right cheek. He grabbed my hand giving me a soft yet worried smile.

"The chief told me to come down here." He said.

"Why do you have a gun?" I asked looking down at the gun in his hands. Taehyung looked down at it as well before quickly hiding it behind his back.

"People believe I killed Minyoona, that I tried to kill you and Jihoon. So I had to protect myself. Things have change since you were....gone." I could tell he was struggling with his words.

"Yona was the other one who killed Minyoona?" Taehyung asked. I watched him stand up closing his eyes. A second later tears fell down his face like a river. He then looked down at Yona's dead body before kicking it. He kicked and kicked her head until blood was on his shoes. I felt like holding him back but I also felt like letting him get out his pain. They didn't just kill Minyoona, they torture the poor girl until her last breath. Taehyung deserves to do more then a few kicks to the head.

"Taehyung." I spoke softly as tears fell down my face. But I won't let you destroy yourself. We might not know why Yona really hated Minyoona, but we do know one thing. Minyoona can finally rest in peace.

Thank you Yoona.

I guess I'll just end the story here. Hate me all you want, how I had this planned in my head was pretty good. But during the time I was writing this I had a lot going on and truly got detracted from my goal in this story. Forgive me.

But if somehow you did enjoy...thank you!

Either way, you actually read this and it still means a lot.

Thanks for reading!

                      Anyways,               Thanks for reading!

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