Chapter Twenty-four

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Rina's POV

"Is she still not awake?" I heard a voice ask.

"No. She's showing signs of recovery very well, but all we need her to do is wake up. It could be another day, another month, or even a year. We can't predict when she'll wake up just yet." Another voice said.

Wait. I'm not awake? Then how can I hear them talk? I'm so confused, but I can't seem to think at the moment. My head is killing me, I feel like someone has banged my head agaist the wall a hundred time.

"Please wake up Rina."

That voice. Why does it sound so familiar? I know I've definitely heard it somewhere before. It's not my father, not Taehyung, not Yona. It's someone else. But the voice sounds so familiar. Who?

"Please don't tell her father I came by. Okay." The voice said. Father? Why? Oh gosh I can't think at the moment. My head is still hurting me. Maybe I should try and take a nap. No wait. They said I'm already asleep. I need to wake up. Wake up. Wake up Rina!

Wake up!

My eyes were so heavy but I still tried. I could still feel my head pounding but I tried to ignore it as I opened my eyes. After trying and trying I was finally able to see light. Wait, is that a good thing. No wait, go away from the light. Go away from the light!

"Rina? She's waking up!" I heard someone say a little more clearer.

"Open your eyes Rina. Please!" Yona shouted. That's Yona talking. I tried opening them again and then saw a unfamiliar face. A nurse? But I heard Yona.

"Rina. I'm here." I heard Yona say. I turned to my right to see her standing there. She didn't look like the same Yona I've seen before. She didn't look glam up or even presentable. This wasn't the same Yona I've known, this Yona was dressed in jeans and just a plain t-shirt. Nothing like the skirt and blouse wearing Yona usually wears.

"Where am I?" I asked. My voice sounded dry and sore and my eyes were still heavey. Am I really awake?

"You're in the hospital. You were in a coma Rina." Yona said through the tears she was pouring.

"I-I-I don't understand. How did I g-get into a c-coma?" I asked in a scratchy voice.

"That's not important. What's important is that you are awake. Your father has been so stressed out the doctors were afaird they might have to treat him as well. He literary just went home a hour ago to get some sleep." Yona smiled grabbing my hand. I looked down to see a few spots of dried up blood on my hand.

There was a fight. A fight? Yeah! I remember, Jihoon was the killer, the one who killed Minyoona! And Taehyung was taken away. Why?

"Where's Jihoon?" I asked Yona in a panic voice.

"He went home a few days ago. I can-" I cut her off by trying to sit up. My head was still fuzzy but I could move.

"What's wrong!" Yona was now the one panicking.

"He's the killer! He killed Minyoona!" I shouted pulling my legs over the bed.

"Miss you can't leave right now!" The nurse snapped grabbing my arm. I quickly pulled away grabbing Yona's arm.

"We need to go now!" I yelled. I need to tell the police that Jihoon is the killer not Taehyung. I took a few steps before Yona grabbed a nearby wheelchair pulling me to sit down.

"Miss you can't leave!" Another nurse ran up. Yona pushed her away and started driving the wheelchair down the hallway. Two things I didn't care about. One I was still in a hospital nightgown, and second, we might get in really big trouble for leaving.

As Yona turned down another hallway we saw a elevator with its doors open. Yona drove the wheelchair in there before the nurses could get us. Once we got down to the first floor I saw one security guard blocking the door from us getting out.

"Little girl, you still need more medical treatment." He spoke.

"No, I need to get a innocent man out of jail and put the real fucking killer in there!" I screamed. Yona ran up to the security man kicking him straight in the jews as soon as he went down Yona took the opportunity to run right past him to her car. What a security guard. I sarcastically thought.

"Can you get in?" Yona asked. I nodded jumping in the car.

I promise to get you out Taehyung. And I promise to get you in Jihoon.

So greatest apologize for updating so late. I promise I'm going to update chapter after chapter in these few days so this story can be finished. And I'm sorry if there is some miss spelling or grammar mistakes, I'm at the hospital writing this.

Thank you for reading!

                                  Anyways,                           Thank you for reading!

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