Chapter Nine

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After telling Yona and Joonsuh bye, I walked to the police station. I asked a police officer if I could speak with Taehyung for a moment. He just looked at me like I was crazy.

"No you may not." He snapped. I started turning around when another police officer walked up to me.

"Ignore him. He just missed his coffee this morning." The other police officer laughed. He told me to follow him to a room, sit and wait until he brought Taehyung out. I hated that I had to leave my purse behind because I was going to give Taehyung a cookie, but the police officer said I couldn't give him food. He then started going on about how it was a stupid rule. I was starting to like this police officer.

About twenty minutes of sitting Taehyung finally walked through. Only for my mouth to drop.

Taehyung's POV


After being brought into the jail the two police officers holding me started talking.

"That was sweet of you to leave your new girlfriend out of it. So what, you can rape and murder her later too." One of the men joked.

"I didn't do those things to Minyoona." I snapped.

"Why after these years are you still lying? Just come out with it boy." The other one said. I balled my fist up wanting to hit them. But I promised. And I couldn't even if I wanted to. These stupid handcuffs are restraining me from doing anything.

"You are a evil son of a bitch for killing a sweet little thing like Minyoona." One officer said.

"I didn't kill her!" I snapped turning to him. He punched me making me fall to the ground. Both him and the other officer wouldn't stop hitting me until another police officer ran up pulling them back. But the damage was already done. My eye was bruised and started closing. My lips were bleeding and my ribs felt bruised.

After being pulled into my room the police officer who helped me brought back some medicine and bandages. He helped apply them as we sat in silence. I finally spoke breaking the silence.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked him. He finished applying the medication and grabbed his phone out. I sat there shocked for a minute as I seen the picture of Minyoona and him.

"Minyoona was my niece. And I truly believe you didn't kill her. She talked about you every time we met. I read some of the letters you wrote her and new the same person who wrote those letters. Couldn't do that to her." He closed his phone just walking out.

I laid there thinking about everything.

Rina's POV

"So these two guards beat you up. Is that what you are saying?" I knew he could tell by my tone I was angry.

"It's nothing to worry about though." Taehyung tried smiling but his bandage was preventing him to do so.

"Taehyung stop saying that." I felt tears roll down my face as I kept looking at his. His bruises were hurting me.

"We don't have that much time. Please let's not waste it." He said. I started wiping up my tears trying to speak.

"Taehyung I think I found out about something. In this city's history book I found a chapter about the Byeon family. The Byeon family was the founders of this city. It said the youngest son was accused of murdering a young girl. She was killed and hung in the woods with the word mine carved into her Taehyung it's like history is repeating itself." I said.

"But do you know how many people here have the last name Byeon. I mean my uncle has that last name. And plus, I really doubt the person who killed that girl had a child, to have a child, and to then have another child to almost do the same thing over again." He said.

"But it wouldn't hurt to try and look up. I'm going to try and look up everyone in school with the name-" A police officer open the door telling me my time was up. Before walking out I ran up to Taehyung hugging him.

"I promise I'll find out who did it. I'll find out by the time you get out." I whispered in his ear. The police officer showed me to the front door. I started walking home until I felt the rain coming down. I ran into a nearby coffee shop deciding to stay until the rain stopped. I sat down at a table grabbing a menu.

"Yummy." I said eyeing the blueberry pancakes. I ordered some and a cup of coffee. I usually don't drink coffee but since I was wet I thought a little warmth would help. After finishing eating the pancakes I just sat there in the booth wonder if it was someone I knew.

Yona? Joonsuh? Moonsik? Taehyung?

It couldn't be Taehyung. No way.

A big bolt of lightning came through the window shaking the whole shop. A second later the power went out. Being the only customer in this small shop wasn't helping. I started looking around for the woman who made my food but she was nowhere to be seen. The only light I was getting was coming from the lighting. And that was almost every twenty seconds.

I heard a bell which made me look towards the door. I still couldn't see that much but I could see a figure moving towards me.

"Can you please help me? The power went out and it's to dark. I can't really see a thing." I said reaching out my hands. But when he grabbed them he pulled me close to him. So close I could smell vanilla and something else. His gripped on my arms were so tight my arms were giving up on me.

"I'll string you up like I did that bitch. That is if you keep looking into her. Into me. I'll kill you." He whispered. I soon felt my legs go numb from the shock. He threw me across the floor stomping off. I watched his back until he left. I crawled into the corner of the room pulling my legs up to my chest. I sat there crying.

What have I got myself into?


So it may be a day or two until the next update. I'm trying to update my other stories but I'm glad people are really likening this story.
I hope you like this other chapter.

Thank you for reading!


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