Chapter Six

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The next morning was dreadful. The night before I had to stay up to one in the morning for my dad to come home. It's not the first time he's left his keys at home. I'm use to it, but even after that I didn't get that much sleep. My mind was going crazy from Taehyung.

It's like my brain is saying he's wrong. Then my heart is saying he is just misunderstood. I really believe Taehyung is normal. Like his smile and the way he laughs. It's the cutest thing ever. But when it comes to violence, he snaps. Until I touched him, I don't think he was going to let the man go. That is what is concerning me. If we found the person who did those things to Minyoona, would he let him just go to jail. I may be insane for thinking this but it wouldn't be the worst thing. To let him get a taste of what he put that poor girl through.

"Are you crazy Rina? That's just twisted. Two wrongs don't make a right." I said to myself. I pulled my window open and stuck my head out. I felt a cool breeze hit my face sending chills down my body. I looked up to meet the same old gray clouds. I swear I'm staying out all day when I finally see the sun. It's like it disappeared from this small city.

I quickly closed the window and grabbed my bag. I walked downstairs to see my dad standing beside a man.

"Rina. This man here is Moonsik. He's going to be living next door. He's a police officer-" my father started saying until the man interrupted him.

"So if you need anything. Please don't mind asking me. I have a daughter about your age myself." The mans words were kind and soft. He was more taller and bigger than my dad, making my dad look like a shrimp.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Rina. And I'm sorry, but I'm also late for school." I said kissing my dad goodbye. I waved at both men running down stairs. I started running down the streets until I heard a noise behind me.

"You do know you'll smell if you keep running." Taehyung said. He pulled up beside me on a motorcycle.

"You have a motorcycle?" I asked touching the green and black bike. Am I sad for saying that I've never been this close to a motorcycle before.

"Yeah. For about a year now. Want a ride to school?" He asked handing me a helmet. I took a step back.

"I'm afraid. One of my favorite actors died on a motorcycle. I'm scared of how crazy they can get." I nervously said.

"It'll be fine. I promise I don't go fast. I just know if you keep running you won't make it on time." Taehyung said pointing at his watch. Crap! He's right.

"You promise you won't go fast." I said holding out my pinky finger.

"You still believe in pinky promises?" Taehyung asked in disbelief.

"Very much. Now do you promise!" I said. He started laughing wrapping his pinky around mine.

"I promise I won't go fast, but if waist any more time, we are not going to make it." He said. I grabbed his helmet pulling it over my head. I jumped on the back of the motorcycle. I gently grabbed the back of his jacket.

"Unless you want to fall off. You better wrap your arms around right." He said grabbing my hands. He pulled the to his chest as I held on. I laid my head on his back as he started driving. It wasn't as scary as I thought. But more like it was making my whole body shake. He pulled into the school parking lot and we both jump off.

"Class is starting in two minutes! We won't make it." I yelled at Taehyung. He parked his bike.

"We can if we run." He said smirking at me. He grabbed my hand pulling me as we ran into the school. We passed a teacher who yelled at us. But Taehyung never stop. We arrived at our classroom just as our teacher was about to walk in.

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