Chapter Fifteen

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When we arrived at the cafe we were a little early. Yona and Joonsuh weren't there. So me and Taehyung ordered a smoothie. Still in the cafe there was a awkward attention between us. He never smiled or showed any expression. It's like he wasn't even here. Finally I broke the silence between us as I seen some whip cream on above his lip. I grabbed my napkin wiping it off. He looked up at me with that same blank expression. It was frustrating.

"Taehyung. Can you talk to me?" I asked staring into his eyes. He looked into mine as once again I saw those dark eyes. What's wrong with him? One second he's normal and smiling. The next he's acting really strange.

"I don't feel like talking." He mumbled in almost a whisper. He's driving me insane.

"Hey guys! Sorry we are late." Yona said running through the door with Joonsuh. They both sat next to us. Yona on my side and Joonsuh on Taehyung's side. I could tell as Joonsuh sat down he could feel the awkwardness.

"So I found out somethings about Minyoon's computer before it was stolen. My guys copied a few things before giving me the computer. I don't know why Minyoon's killer took the computer but some of the things she did was a little strange. She looked up where to buy handguns, knifes, and even a taser. It said in her history she ordered rope and mutable types of drugs. Mostly these drugs would keep you up. But right before she died she got these things. You guys don't find that weird." Joonsuh said looking at us all. Everything Joonsuh just said made us all look up, even Taehyung.

"What? Why did she get drugs?" I asked.

"There was one other thing. The last thing Minyoona looked up was abandoned places." Joonsuh added in.

"That's creepy." Yona said grabbing my drink. She took a sip and then gave it back. I looked up at Taehyung who still looked lost. His eyes were staring down at his feet. I was about to say something when I heard someone start yelling. We all looked over to see a guy yelling at a girl. She was balled into a knot laying on the ground. His face looked like it was about to explode. I got up from the table holding my drink.

"Rina." Yona whispered trying to get me to stay back. But I didn't listen as I walked up to the guy throwing my drink on him. He seemed shocked.

"Are you okay?" I asked the girl. She looked even more shocked as I held out my hand for her. She started reaching up to take my hand when we heard a noise. I looked behind me to see the guy standing behind me with a knife.

"This is none of your business!" He yelled. Before he could even take another step he was thrown to the ground. I heard people screaming from all directions. At one point I was one as I saw the knife slit Taehyung's arm. Joonsuh and two other guys ran up helping Taehyung. I was now numbed as I saw blood on the floor. Is that Taehyung's? I felt a few tears roll down my face.

Before I could even think of anything Taehyung ran out the cafe. Even if I ran after him I would never catch up. He's extremely fast.

"I'm so sorry. This is why Junsoo always corrects me! I caused your friend to get hurt!" The girl yelled. Her eyes went wide as she spoke. Is she crazy!

"Screaming at someone is not correcting them. If anything it's just going to make things worse." I grabbed the girl by her shoulders shaking her a little. She pushed me back running out the cafe.

"Don't worry the police will take care of him. You kids go on home. Thank you." The worker said to us.

"Do you want us to walk you back home?" Joonsuh asked standing beside Yona.

"No you guys go on home. I'm going to go and see if I can find Taehyung." I smiled at them. They said goodbye going there way. I heard a crack of thunder in the distance. Great. Please don't rain.

I first walked to his house. His butler told me he was not home at the moment. Then I tried the school. Then the mall. The shops lined up down the streets. No where. My last hope was the park, but as I soon start walking there I felt a rain drop. A second later it was pouring. I was about to walk off when in the puddle of water and dirt I could barely see a drop of blood.

"Taehyung!" I screamed knowing he was near by. I started running around behind every tree. In between two trees was a bench, and on that bench laid Taehyung. He was holding his side. I ran up to him taking off my jacket. Will a wet jacket work! I screamed in my head. His face looked extremely pale but his eyes were blood shot red. He's been crying.

"Taehyung. Stay with me. I'm going to call for help." I cried pulling out my phone. I was in the middle of dialing when he jerked my phone out his hand. I watched him stand up beside me. Even though it was pouring rain it seemed to not even bothered him as he stood in the rain. I stood there beside him as he just looked off into his own word. Why are you such a mystery Taehyung.

"I'm not a good person you know. But doesn't mean I'm bad either. Like you said once I'm unbalanced. You would have loved the old me. This person you see isn't me." Taehyung bluntly said. I was held back on his words.

"But I love this Taehyung." My words were both shocking to both of us. Until those words came out my mouth I didn't even realize how I felt. But it felt good. I really care for him. I really love him. Deeply. He's so fragile that one little crack and he seems broken. I feel like I want to feel in those cracks by being by his side.

"Rina. I can't put you through this. I've already lost the one I loved. I'm afraid if we keep trying I'm going to lose you too." Finally he looked at me. I couldn't tell if he was crying or it was just the rain. But by his face expression I knew he was hurt. He was in pain and I wanted to help.

"Taehyung. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving someone I love behind." As I said those words a image of my brother appeared. He just happened to say those words just before he left. But unlike my brother I'm going to stay. I'm not leaving his side.

I was so lost in my stupid head I didn't see Taehyung walk up to me until I felt his touch. He grabbed my hand squeeze it tightly. I looked up to see him looking back into my eyes.

"You are a crazy girl Rina." Taehyung said giving me a half smile. I just stood there and watch him smile. It was so refreshing to see him just smile. But a second later he stopped smiling and had that serious blank look. He leaned down placing his lips on mine. I was shocked at first, but I kissed him back.

I'm kissing Taehyung in the pouring rain.


So this story is going somewhere....
Taehyung and Rina finally get together.
A friend ships these characters so much she calls them
Rae! I'm not the greatest person at shipping characters but I like it as well.
Sorry I thought I would just share.

Btw! I don't own the photo above so...
Thank you for reading!


Unbalanced ~ K.TH~ ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon