Chapter Twenty-One

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Taehyung's POV

It's been three weeks since that day. For those three weeks I've been in jail. I've asked plenty of people if I can have a update on Rina, but no one will tell me. No one will tell me if she's alive or dead. I think to myself if I really want to know. I know I'll be happy if she's alive but if she's dead. I won't be able to take it. So maybe them not telling me right away is a good thing.

Losing the most important person in your life is one of the hardest and darkest experience in a person's life. When I lost Minyoona I didn't think I could ever feel anything for another person, but Rina proved me wrong. I didn't even expect to fall for her, it just happened. I love her more then anything. In this dark city she was the only sunshine. The only one who smiled from the heart. She came out of nowhere changing everyone, especially me.

I stared outside the small window I had in my cell. Of course it had bars around it making me feel like a animal, but after the first week it sunk in that I was here to stay. But all of that was about to change.

"Kim Taehyung you've got bailed." Bailed? Did I just hear right? Who could have bailed me out? It was obvious from the second day my parents weren't going to bail me out, so who?

The officer opened my door and held it open as I walked out. Am I really a free man? I thought.

"Hey Taehyung." I heard a familiar voice. I turned to my right to see Moonsik. I stood still for a second in disbelief. The last time I saw him he was being taken away in a police car. I overheard one of the officers talk about him maybe attend prison for trying to steal from the town hall. But here he is clean shaved, dress nice, and smiling brightly.

"You bailed me out?" I asked walking over to him.

"Yeah. I thought I could hear the truth from you. And I know it's what Rina would want." He said.

"Is or gone?" It came out more like a whisper. I was truly afraid to know the answer, but I need to know if she's alive or dead.

He looked down at his feet not speaking for a second. "I guess you could say in between. Both her and Jihoon are in a coma. Rina's is from strangulation and her stab wound. Jihoon's is from you bashing his head seven times." He explain.

"I guess I really didn't kill him. To bad." I mumbled.

"Don't say that Taehyung. Rina told me she was trying to prove to this screwed up city that you weren't a killer, and now you are saying you wish you killed him. Knowing that she's in a coma." I could hear his words were filled with angry. I really wanted to kill him, but I know this whole situation was because of Rina. Like Moonsik said, she's been trying to prove my innocence, and here I am wishing I killed someone.

"Sorry." I said.

"Don't to me. You need to say sorry for yourself. And for Rina." He said.

"We need you to sign these papers before you leave." A woman walked in talking to Moonsik. Another man walked through handed me a pair of clothes. I changed out of my jail uniform into a long sleeve black sweater and black jeans. Moonsik must have got my clothes from my house. After changing clothes I was told to wait in the hallway as Moonsik signed for my release.

"Okay, this way please." A officer said opening a door. I hadn't seen this part of the police station since I was brought here. It was refreshing. Moonsik was waiting for me as he waited by the exit. He had a huge smile on his face, but I was the opposite. I was starting to rethink my freedom. What if people call me a killer? What if I'm still treated as a madman? Blame me for Rina's situation? I don't think I can deal with this all over again.

"I don't think I can walk out those doors Moonsik." I said looking at the two doors.

"Don't you dare try and walk away right after I paid for your bond, which I must say was very expensive, just because you don't think you can walk out those doors. If I don't see you feet moving towards that door in a minute then I'm throwing you out. Do you understand boy?" His words were striking like a dagger. It reminded me of my father when he once cared about me.

I moved my feet very slowly until I walked out the door. I was staring at the sky when I heard Moonsik walk behind.

"My car is over here. Do you want me to drop you off at your house?" Moonsik asked walking to a black SUV. It looked brand new and once we got inside I could still smell the fresh new car smell.

"No. Can you just take me to go see Rina? I really wanna see her." I asked shyly. Moonsik was about to start the car but stopped when I asked the question.

"The thing is Taehyung-" he cut himself off. It seemed like what he was about to say the most painfullest thing I could ever hear.

"What?" I asked looking confused and worried.

"You aren't allowed near Rina. Ever. Again. That was the only way for me to get you out. Her father put a restraining order against you. You can't get fifty feet near the Seok's." He said looking back down.

I-I-I can't see Rina again..but I didn't do anything! It was Jihoon who did it! Not me!

"There should be no reason why I shouldn't be able to get near Rina! I didn't do anything wrong! It's all his fault! He took Minyoona from me and now he's taking Rina from me! I can't lose them both Moonsik!" I could feel tears rolling down my face. My chest was pounding up and down from my heavy breathing.

"That's why I'm here! I've got prove Jihoon killed Minyoona and tried to kill Rina." He said.

"Then why aren't you telling them! Why I can't be free for once, not being called a monster, to go see my Rina! Let them see how wrong they were?" I screamed looking at him.

"We just have to wait until he wakes up, I've got something else to ask him. But until then we've just got to wait." He said starting the car. The screen on his dashboard said it was ten am, September 29. He drove out of the parking lot and onto the highway. Before I knew it we were at a hospital.

"I thought I couldn't see her?" I asked looking at Moonsik confused. He gave me a small smile pointing to the building.

"Fifth floor, window seven. That's her room. The hospital is not that far from my new place, I thought you would like to see where she's at." He said. I looked up to see the window slightly open. A pink and red balloon could easily be seen, but I couldn't see Rina. But just knowing that was her room really helped. I feel more at peace and calmer.

Don't worry Rina, I'll prove to everyone I'm not the a killer. Just wait for me.

So I'm cutting off her, but I'll try and publish again tomorrow. Hopefully this chapter was okay, this story only has two or three chapters left, then I need to start writing my other books. After these I have another story with Taehyung I'll publish soon.

Thanks for reading!

                                             Anyways,                                     Thanks for reading!

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