Chapter Twenty-Three

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Taehyung POV

Take two before you go to bed, it will make you sleep better. Those were Moonsik's words. I'm actually glad I listened to him. I just had the best sleep in all my life, well that's only because drugs knocked me out. Since that day I saw Rina's window at the hospital I couldn't sleep one minute without getting angry or sad. My emotions are all over the place and until I can go and see her I don't think I'll be getting back to normal.

Three weeks. It's been twenty one days that she's been in a coma. And for those twenty one days I've barely ate and slept. Especially since last week when I got the news. The news I never wanted to hear.

Jihoon woke up.

After that news I completely trashed my room and started hitting the walls. Because besides Rina's word on Jihoon, he's going to walk away a free man. Without her words no one will believe me, probably even if I came with evidence. And Moonsik told me the longer she stays in the coma the more she might loses her memory. And that's just it. If Rina forget what happened then Jihoon will really walk away a free man and I'll be lock up as a innocent man.

"I'm going out for a little while. I'll be back later." Moonsik said walking down the stairs grabbing his keys from the key hook near the front door.

"Okay. And remember this time to pick up milk!" I shouted at him. He waved his hand before closing the door behind him.

When you see Moonsik you see this well dress, smart, brave man. But when you see his house it's the complete opposite, it's mess, disgusting, and it makes him a complete turn off. I mean last week I found his underwear in the kitchen. The freaking kitchen! I didn't walk in there for days after that.

I reached over grabbing the tv remote turning it off. Silence. Completely dead silence. The quiet was something I was now getting use to. I had no friends around or Rina. I had Yona text me once just asking if I really did it. After I repeatedly said no she never replied back. Besides that I haven't heard anything from anyone. Not even my own parents tried contacting me. They knew I was out of jail, actually almost everyone in South Korea probably knows by now, the news always has my face posted talking about me like they know me. Calling me the lover killer.

"He murder his first girlfriend and succeed. He tried the second but thankfully failed. But until she wakes up we won't know if he truly failed."

It's always the same thing. I try and watch cartoons and stupid reality shows but even there breaking news will pop through and there my face will pop through. Every time I walk pass a mirror I see that same face. The face, this whole city hates. The face, everyone would feel happy if it disappeared. The face, not even I'm liking anymore. I'm just tired. Like a lot of people's problems I wish I could just snap my fingers and everything goes away. But no, God didn't make it that way. And yes I'll probably learn what everything means down the road, but for the time being I'm tired. Tired of being hated on.

I wish I could just run. Run away with Rina. Never look back, never even think about the past. Just keep moving forward.

I decided to take a shower before taking a walk. Of course before taking a walk I always wear a hoodie and try to walk late at night. It's already pass six p.m so I should be okay.

As I took one step out the front door I heard someone giggling. I looked over to see two girls laughing at me. Why are two ten year old girls laughing at me? Most people run from me. I was about to say something when I felt a bucket of water fell on my head.

"What the!" I yelled.

"Murder!" Two boys screamed running passed me.

Just ignore it Taehyung. It's just water. It's just kids.

I started walking away when I heard one of the girls talking to her little friends. "He's old girlfriend is in the ground while his new girlfriend is in the hospital on life support."

Now other people might just ignore what she just said but I'm tired of it. I'm not going to take out my anger with a little girl but things are about to change.

"Listen you little kids. Shouldn't you be at home playing with your dolls and video games not dumping water on a innocent person, because that's what I am. Innocent." I snapped turning around towards them.

"That's not what Jihoon said!" One of the little girls snapped back.

"Jihoon is the-!" I decided not to tell the little kids. Actually looking at them they remind me of Joonsuh, Yona, and Jihoon as kids. We use to play in the park near here after school. I always remember us buying ice cream and sneaking it right before dinner. I remember one time Yona got in trouble because a drop of her chocolate ice cream dripped on her dress and her parents found out. Then her parents told our parents and we all got in trouble.

I remember at that time either my parents were faking it or actually carried for me then because my mom grounded me for two weeks. For two weeks none of us where allowed to hang out and it was so lonely. At that time I thought being away from Yona and Joonsuh for two weeks was lonely. Man was I wrong, before Rina I haven't talked to them in more than seventy weeks. Topped that for sure.

But after experiencing that for so long I truly knew what loneliness felt like and it wasn't until Rina came into my life that feeling went away. She was the sunshine in my dark cloudy world just waiting for me to let her threw. And never did I think I could feel this way again for a person.

It seems just like yesterday I bumped into her and looked down at those deep brown eyes. Those pure innocent eyes before she got to know me. Know my world. Sometimes I think I'm selfish for letting her into my world because I know she was happy and awake before meeting me. Now she's laying in a bed half alive half dead. I'm wrong for bringing her into this horrifying world.

I started running. Running like there was no tomorrow, because for me there might not be one. I might not be alive tomorrow as well. I've already heard the rumors going around. If Rina ever suddenly....dies. Then I'll be charge with first degree murder. And this time I won't just go to jail but to prison. And as much as I don't want to go to prison I sure as hell don't won't Rina to die. I can't let her die. I promised myself when I first met her I wouldn't let her get hurt. I won't let what Jihoon did to Minyoona happen to Rina. But I failed keeping her safe, but I'm not going to let her die. No. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not ever. Not until she grows old and has grandchildren.

I won't let anything happen to her.


so here's another chapter. I'm going to write another or two more chapters in a few days that way this book will be finish and that way I can start writing my other Taehyung fan fic. I apologize for the long wait


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