Chapter Seven

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After school me and Taehyung rode home. We both had a test this Friday so thought until Joonsuh called we could study. I knew my dad would be at home, and if he saw Taehyung. Most likely he would ask questions. And I'm not in the mood to be answering his questions. Taehyung told me we could go to his place. Which I was a little curious to see where he grew up at.

"This is your house?" I asked looking up at the big mansion. Everything from the grass to the mail box was perfect.

"Yeah. My parents have money." He answered opening his gate.

"But then why were you working for that ass?" I asked.

"Because like I said, they have money. For food and my personal things I have to get. They only let me stay here because it's for the company. When truthfully they don't even care if I died tomorrow." He coldly answered.

"That's so evil." I said. We walked to his front door for a older man to open it for both of us. Taehyung grabbed my hand as he pulled me up stairs. He let go of my hand as we walked into his room. His room wasn't anything like I imagine. My brothers room was always messy and had a smell of something dead. But Taehyung's was clean and had a smell of honey. It was so nice.

"The old man who opened the door is Mr. Lee. Don't worry. He's cool. As a child he would give me things and take care of me. He's more of a father than my real father will ever be." He said sitting at his desk. I walked over sitting on the ground.

"You can sit on the bed." Taehyung said pulling on my arm. I gave in sitting on his bed as I saw a few stuff animals. I started laughing as I grabbed a little lion. He's so cute! I thought.

"So. Did you bring your books?" Taehyung asked pulling out his. I reached in my bag pulling out mine.


After about a hour of study we finally took a break. Taehyung said he would step out for a minute to get some snacks. As he left I jumped up looking around. His desk was a mess but I could still tell where everything was. On his night stand was a glass of water and prescription drugs. I picked up the bottle. I started typing in the name of the drug in my phone. I was shocked to read these help chronic post traumatic stress disorder and trauma related nightmares.

I tried not to think about it placing the bottle down. I started exploring more in his room. I saw a few books mostly about crime and a few poetry books. My feet and heart stopped when I seen a picture. In the picture was the brightest and happiest Taehyung I've ever seen. It's like he was a completely different person. Beside him was a insanely beautiful girl. Her hair was a dark golden brown with dazzling brown eyes. She was so beautiful it was memorizing. Then like a ton of bricks, it hit me. This was Minyoona. I felt a tear roll down my face as I finally saw her.

"I'm so sorry those things happen to you. No human should ever go through what you've gone through. I promise to find who did it." I said through my tears. My insides were on fire as I touched the picture.

I quickly started drying my tears as I heard Taehyung. I ran back to the bed sitting down like I was guilty of something.

"Fruit and tea I thought would be nice." He said sitting down a tray of fruit. He pulled out two plastic cups and a small picture of tea. While he poured the tea I started eating the fruit.

"So are you going to try and look for some more work?" I asked Taehyung making conversation.

"Not yet. But it probably won't happen." He calmly said.

Unbalanced ~ K.TH~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now