Chapter Three

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Yona told me she was taking me to the nurses office. But I didn't expect her to drag me there. She held me by my arms pulling me as my legs dragged across the floor.

"Yona are you dragging a dead body?" A boy asked her.

"Shut up Joonsuh. Grab her legs." She replied. A pair of arms grabbed my legs.

I felt Yona open the nurses door and they carried me inside. I was laid down on a soft bed. I started turning over to grab the blanket near me when Yona slapped my hand.

"You've got to change first. Joonsuh can you watch her for a minute. I'll be right back." In a flash she was gone.

"Well. It might not be the greatest time, but hi. I'm Joonsuh." The boy introduced himself.

I just waved my my hand. "Rina." I was able to mumbled. He gave me a warm smile which made me feel at ease. It's my first day and I'm probably already the laughing joke. I threw up on myself and walked over to Taehyung. What Yona said is still going through my mind. I want to believe her, but something inside of me is telling me it's not true. Either way, for the moment I'm staying my distance.

Yona ran back in with a white tee shirt and blue shorts. I could tell it was the gym wear. She told Joonsuh to walk outside as she closed the curtain. I started getting undressed putting the gym outfit on. The shirt was a little tight on me but at least I was out my disgusting outfit. I told Yona thanks and laid back down covering myself up. I took deep breaths in and out.

"Are you feeling any better?" She asked sitting down in a chair near me.

"Yes." I said in almost a whisper. Joonsuh walked back in after Yona told him too. Yona told me she would come back and check on me in ten minutes. About three minutes later the nurse walked in giving me pills just in case. I took two blue pills from her hand. For a nurse she look really young. Maybe mid twenties. She was also very tall. I swear she could be a model.

"Hello I'm Seok Ayeon. But call me Ayeon." She gave me a warm smile.

"That's cool. We have the same last name." I said trying to laugh a little.

"Well, to say it's actually my husband's last name." She let out a small laugh. Wow so young and already married. I thought. She told me she was leaving to go to lunch if I was fine. I told her it was alright. Once she left I fell asleep.

Taehyung POV

At lunch I was eating peacefully until Jihoon and his gang walked over and poured milk over my head. I stood up wanting to hit them but held it in. I promised her I wouldn't fight anymore. Instead I just grabbed my tray and walked out the cafeteria. I went to the bathroom to wash my hair when I heard a noise behind me. I quickly turned around to fall straight to the ground.

"Weak piece of shit." Jihoon spit. One of his followers started kicking me then another. Until Jihoon pulled me up by my collar punching me so hard I fell back hitting the bathroom counter. I reached up and touched my lip. It was bleeding.

"Till next time shit face." Jihoon said walking out. Him and his followers just left me there on the floor. I stood up grabbing ahold of the bathroom sink. In the mirror reflected a bloody me. My eye was already turning colors and my head was starting to bleed a little. I decided to go to the nurses office. Maybe Ayeon could fix me up again. It's not this bad this time. I thought

As I walked down the hallways no one seem to care that a half beaten kid was struggling to get to the nurses. That's because they think I did those things to Minyoona. But it's funny because this shows you who your true friends are. Not one person I called a friend believed me when I said I didn't. Even when I lowered myself to cry to them. Nope. The Jihoon I use to know is now beating me up on a daily basis.

I knocked on the door twice, there was no answer. So I just walked in. She must be on her lunch. I thought. I walked over to her cabinet and started getting out bandages. I also found a bottle of pain killers. This will help with my head. I thought. I heard a noise behind me and turned around to see Rina. She was laying in a bed. She was sleeping so peacefully I couldn't help but stare at her. My cell phone went off making her wake up. Shit. Why? I reached in my pocket and grabbed my phone. Just a stupid texted from my boss.

"Taehyung?" Rina question. She started rubbing her eyes as she sat up. Then a second later reality hit her. She jumped up scared.

"Hey. I just came to get this." I said holding up the bandages. She quickly walked over to me concerned. I just stood there shocked.

"What happened to you?" She asked touching my cheek. I didn't know how to react. This was the first time someone had concern themselves about me since that day. I just didn't know how to react.

"Nothing." I lied. She grabbed the bandages and medicine from my hands and sat me down in a chair. She walked over and washed her hands. Then she applied the medicine to my face. I started moving around in pain.

"You've got to be still." She said laughing. Her laugh was really nice. I haven't heard anyone laugh in awhile. I keep still as she applied the medicine then started bandaged me.

"Did you do it?" She calmly said. She spoke so soft it was almost like a whisper.

"What would be the point of answering. Everyone already thinks I did." I said looking down at the ground. She grabbed ahold of my face pulling me up to hers. I could easily see myself reflecting in her glossy eyes. They looked very teary.

"I asked you. Did you do it?" She repeated herself. She never broke eyes contact with me, which is something no ever does in the first place.

"No. I would've never hurt her. I loved her." I said. I didn't expect her to hug me. Hug me. I totally forgot how this felt. To have warm arms wrap around you when you are scared or sad. I didn't want her to pull away but when she did she gave me a warm smile.

"Then you need to find the real person who did it. They need to be put behind bars." She calmly said as she put the medicine back into the cabinet. She walked back over to me and sat down in a chair next to me.

"Who do you think did it? It was probably someone in this school. We can start with the closest people that were around her." She said.

"Trust me, I've already checked. Everyone was a suspect to me, especially the ones close to us. It never made any sense, who would do that to her. Minyoona never did anything. I was more of the bully. I could understand if someone did that to me, but Minyoona." I tried looking off as my words were starting to affect me.

"You know it's alright to cry." Rina said. I looked over at her. She was smiling over at me. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"I already cried when she died. It's just still hard." I mumbled. She walked over to me holding out her hand.

"Hand me your phone." She said. I gave her my phone as she started typing in numbers.

"If you feel sad or just need someone to talk to, call me. Or text. It doesn't matter." She handed me back my phone with a smile. Her smile was the brightest thing in this world since Minyoona left. I was so touched by what she said. I looked down at my phone. There was her number and her name. I couldn't help but smile.

"Well we better get going." She said grabbing her school uniform.

"What happened to your uniform?" I asked her as we walked out the nurses office.

"I threw up on it." She started laughing.

Gross. I thought.


So was this chapter okay. I must have rewrote it five times.


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