Seeing you again

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(Re - written)

Ellie POV-

I sat up in the creaky bed and yawned loudly. I scratched my head and got out of the bed with Allie laying beside me wide awake playing with her bear.

My Names Ellie and me and my 3 year old daughter Allie live in a shelter since we cant aford to get an apartment. my mum is traveling the world as for my dad.. he's in a asylum trying to fix his 'dirty' ways. As for me my life was, perfect. I had a wonderful family and finished school with no problems! once i graduated me and my boyfriend lived out our days but soon he left me and i didnt tell them about the news of my baby that was soon to be on it's way. his name way Harold but i bet most teenage girls kniw him as 'Harry Styles' 'Hazza' and all these nicknames that I called him once .

When me and him graduated we got tattoos, small ones. We both have a the initials of our names on our fore finger. Sometimes I wonder .. Does he remember me? Of was all the memories we had just a blur in his memories? But enough about me.

todays the day I probably dreaded most, but I wouldn't admit that I woke up Allie cat so we could pack up. i got out my white backpack and stuffed my clothes and my notebook (sooooo personal) and 2 sandwhiches and a water bottle and a juice box. Allie put on her little beanie and her cheastnut curly hair up in a braid and her green eyes shone brightly in the sun peeping threw the curtains.

'shit. it wad almost 10. that meant role call would be starting soon' i thought as i stuffed Allies clothes in her bag and her stuffed bear with a 1D necklace and a picture of Harry on it wrapped around it and gave it to her, she slung it over her shoulder and ran to the balcony me trailing behind.

i clutched my chest where my lungs where. i had a sickness..(i would soon describe later) and i forgot my pill i swallowed one and shoved it into my bag. Allie jumped over the rail and clutched to my back as i climbed down the tree. i looked both ways holding onto Allie tight and ran.

where are we going you might ask? where going to see the one and only... Harry Styles.

-Harrys POV-

i love America, the girls the fans the love just everything! i looked at the 'E' tatto on my finger reminding me of her... the love of my life. I sighed and walked off the bus. my ears were ringing from the screamimg and shouting from fans... so many many fans. i smiled and waved and hugged most of them and sat in the chair.

it was the usual. signing, hugging, waving, screaming, crying, smiling. it was something I've gotten used to so did the boys. they were my best friends mates i might say and i loved them to death.

i sat next to Niall and smiled at a fan and hugged them and felt as if someone was staring at me from up above. Their was a girl with brown wavy hair that was just above her chest. she was tan but not to tan and not to pale. she wore a white V neck and black skinny jeans and white flats, she looked sad but happy and nealed down she had a little girl with her that was smiling and bouncing up and down. she was pointing down but the girl looked as if telling her to wait . The girls eyes... they were almost hazel but they werent they were a light browm and they... mezmorized me. But how could I see them from all the way down here?!

I looked down quickly and signed a fans CD then looked up. She was gone. I sighed and kept signing CDs for the rest of the day and saw the little girl run up to the table. When I laid my eyes on her I froze and just stared at her. She looked kinda... LIKE ME! she had my eyes and hair and my nose. i couldnt help but smile. Her eyes shinning with the sun baring down from the outside.

She pointed and smiled "daddy!". what? daddy? who?

the boys looked at me as my smile faded and she kept smiling. then Niall finally spoke up.

"hey sweetheart, whats your name?"

"Allie" she smiled.

"hey Allie, my names Niall.. uhmm wheres your mommy?"

"waiting, i cant tell you where she is but i can show you!"

"that would be great, how about you stay with us until the event is over?" Niall always had a way with toddlers.. didnt he?

hours past- it felt like years... decades almost.. FINALLY it was over!

Allie put her arms up signaling me to pick her up and i did just that and putting her on my waist. i looked up and the girl had her eyes wide tears streaming down her face as she leaned over the railing above. I furrowed my eye brows and called the boys out and pointed above.

Gotcha .

They all looked and the girl was shaking her head looking both ways and she ran. i put the girl down and followed her direction. i saw her run threw the doors, she was fast.. but i was faster. i grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hall that was empty. i pinned her up to a wall as she tried to weasel her way out. i looked at her. she looked. so. familiar. why?

"was that your daughter?" i asked her turning her face to meet mine. she looked away and nodded.

"well why is she calling me daddy? are you just some crazed fan lying to your kids?!" i nearly shouted. she winced at my shout "Well?!" i let go of her wrist not breaking the space between us.

she looked hesitant of what to say next. then she stuttered out "H-Harry... i-its m-me... Ellie"


my Ellie?

the one I've been looking for?


first chapter... wow.. what do you think? good yes no? idk :/ no wifi here!! #TeamNoWifi sucks..





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