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Hmmmm maybe I should have Allies POV in the next chapter? Let me know!!

Harry's POV--

Me and Allie were walking home from the park after we said our good byes to Lux and Lou.

We walked down the street with Allie back to the house. My mum told me that she was done with food and to come home. So we headed out.

I sighed at the memory of seeing Eli in the park. I liked when she visited but.. I wish that I could let go of her death.

We strolled down the street together. I asked Allie to tell me more about her mum and what they would do together.

"Well me and mummy would go play in the park sometimes a-and one day we saw you and some girl walking" I looked down at her. Her eyebrows furrowed as if she was in feel thought.

"Wait... Daddy I thought you loved mummy!" She screamed. She tore her hand from mine as I saw the tears welling up in her eyes. It broke my heart but I noticed a mob of fans and paps noticed me and Allie.

I swallowed the lump in my throat when I saw her tears falling from her face. I heard the screams getting louder and louder and the flashes becoming brighter and the clicks becoming more clear.

"I don't like you anymore" she whispered I watched as she ran threw the fans. I quickly stood up and almost grabbed her hand when a fan blocked my hand from the small child.

I cursed under my breath and was being crowded by fans and paps. I tried getting through and I waved at some fans but declined when some wanted to take picture or autographs. I would love to but couldn't due to the fact that my child just ran away from me!

I made it past all the fans and paps but I heard a scream followed by the screeching sound of a white fan taking off.

I didn't stop the negative thoughts that were now flooding my brain.

' what if that was Allie'

'What if she's missing'

'What if they try to rape her?!'

'What if I never see my baby again?!'

All these 'what ifs' were banging against my brain flooding it and damaging my heart to the part were I thought it was burned torn and turned to ash.

I ran all the way home as tears were cascading down my face. I swung open the door and ran into the living room. All the boys heads snapped towards me as I fell to my knees and cried.

I heard them rush towards me and help me up onto the couch asking me questions of 'what happened?' 'Whats wrong?'

Then their was a long silence until my mum came in.

"I told you!" She pointed a finger at me. No one knew what she was saying only I did and her.

"Mum not right now" I was getting aggervated at her always saying things to try and put me down.

"You went out and now where is she?! Where Harry I told you from the minute I saw her that you should have put her up for adoption and then this wouldn't be happening!!" She screamed at me.

I stood up and glared at her. I wanted to rip her throat out even if she was my mum. She can't say that! She has no right to!!

"Harry... What happened to Allie?" I heard Louis whisper.

I clenched my fist as my nose started to burn and tears were filling my eyes making it blurry. I turned around and faced the boys with worried expressions on their faces.

"Allie is missing"


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