Our Love Is Forever

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-Harry's Point Of View-

Those words kept replaying

Harry I'm dying

Harry I'm dying

Harry I'm dying

I started at her with no emotion.. What did she mean? 'Harry I'm dying' at this moment I hate doctors they don't even know anything! They tell you

'Dont worry you have a few months' do you know what my body wants?! Maybe our bodies want a few years months hours minutes maybe even seconds..

She sniffed and hugged me and started crying and whispered. "I'll be here for those months.. Visit me everyday with Allie" she pulled away and smiled I returned one. Even if it was a sad one.

I leaned in and kissed her , her returning one back. I held on to her hand and she pulled away looking down at her lap. I could see the blood rushing to her cheeks. I leaned to her and whispered

"Forever and always" her head snapped up with a big smile on her lips. She remembered the words she told me before I left to do what I do today.

-Flash Back-

She sniffed and grabbed my hand before I ran off and pulled me forwards her. I could see the security guard walking forwards towards us. But before he could rig me towards the car she smiled up at me and her last words before I left.

"Forever and Always" I kissed her lips one last time and was dragged to the car and we left.

-Flash Back Over-

-Eli's Point Of View-

He told me what I told him before he left to do... This.

We could have been together he could have been a lawyer make good money and raise Allie together. But nope.

He wanted to make him mum proud. And I'm okay with that! But.. If he stayed I wouldn't be in this hospital suffering from lung disease cause of smoking. I started smoking 3 months after Harry left. I couldn't handle the stress from paparazzi asking questions of how Harry was before he became 'one direction' I completely gave up.

"Maybe you should get some rest love ill see you tomorrow" he smiled. I leaned back in bed and held Allie in my arms and closed my eyes. A gush of butterflies erupted in my body when he kissed my forehead. I heard the door close and sighed and let the tears fall out.

Even if I lied to him and I'm dying in a few weeks. And I'm gonna leave my love of my life and we couldn't be together always. I'll always know that

Our love will be forever.

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