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Harry's POV--

"What do you mean your not coming back?! What about the band? What about the fans!" Louis practically shouted in my ear after a long pause on the phone.

"Even if I did go back they wouldn't want me" I sighed. I got up from the couch to lay Allie on the bed.

"THEY WANT YOU BACK! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" I pulled the phone away from my ear and sighed. I don't need this right now.

"I'm sorry Louis but.. I think the band is just going to have to break up" I sighed. I just don't think I can handle being a single parent, losing the love of my life, then dealing with screaming fans most of the time. Who would actually?

"No no no no Harry please don't say that! After all we've been threw we c-can't quit now!" He was crying. I could tell he was.

"Louis, I can't come back now.. Maybe some day, but I just want to give Allie a normal life.. I want a normal-"

"WE CANT HAVE A NORMAL LIFE! HAVENT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YET?! WE CANT! EVEN IF WE TRY WE CANT!" He snapped. I ran a hand threw my hair, closing my eyes fisting my hair. I didn't need to be yelled at. I didn't need to have this. I just didn't why can't they understand the pain I'm in right now?

"Really Louis? Why are you making things so much harder for me?! If you had a child wouldn't you do the same! Especially since the mother is dead!" I tried to sound cool and collected until the end I started to yell. I heard the phone being passed around.

"Harry, just come home.. You don't have to be in the band again.. Just come home so we can tell them" Liam was crying, I could hear his voice.. I just didn't want to face them.

"Alright, only for one day then I'm leaving again.. See you in a bit" I hung up and groaned rolling on my side to a sleeping beauty. I smiled and pressed my lips against her forehead and picked my laptop up from the floor. I searched tickets for London. 3:35 am departure. I groaned and bought them anyways.

I laid back down pulling up the covers and falling into a relaxing sleep.


"Eli! Eli wait up!" I screamed chasing after her. She ran down the wet streets me running behind her laughing with her. We ran down the empty streets holding hands.

I picked her up by her waist spinning her around with our forehead touching. I smiled as she smiled down with me. I placed her back on the black road.

"You know what's in my bucket list... To kiss in the rain Haz" she smiled as I smirked down at her. Her damp hair was clinging to her neck her grayish green eyes static threw the rain.

I felt her hand press against my cheek as she stood on her tippy toes as the kiss was passionate and intense. I heard a horn from the distance as I pulled away quickly.

I saw a late truck coming as I tried to pull Eli out of the street. She stood their staring at the moving truck that was getting closer and closer.

I pulled her harder, she didn't even budge. I head turned to me with a sad look with mine pleading her to come with me. I didn't want to lose her.

"I love you.. Forever" she whispered. I watched as the truck was just about to come in contact with her body. When I screamed.



I jumped up from the bed with dry tears and sweet beading from my forehead. The alarm was loud as I sighed and tried to regain my breathing. It was 1:07 on the clock as I threw on a white shirt, sweat pants and the hoodie. Didn't want anyone to recognize me.

I shook the little ball of a child lightly to wake her up. Her gray eyes slowly turning back to the bright green opened as I gave her a small smile. "Where gonna see them today".

I laid her clothes for her on the bed as she threw on her sweat pants and owl shirt. I smiled as we both threw on the converse and headed out the hotel down the grand staircase. The lobby was quiet figuring it was only 1:23 in the morning.

The cab sat quietly where I told it to as the ride to the airport was silent. Once we arrived I paid the man and walked into the quiet and partly empty airport. Good no screaming.

We walked threw security rather quickly as I bought Allie something to munch on while we sat down waiting for the terminal to start boarding. I watched as planes started to take off and land the black skies mixing with the brownish black clouds soaring around.

I held the small girl in my arm laying my cheek against her head. I shut my eyes waiting for sleep when a recognizable voice startled me.



Heeheehee cliffhanger! Sorry lovelies just decided to do it!

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What are your plans for Halloween? What are you gonna dress up as? Or what did you dress up as? 0.0


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