Unexpected visits..

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So your guys... I noticed with has 200+ reads huh? That's like.. Wow..

But I think it's just enough even if no one knows I just like it ._. And I don't want anyone to get mad but... I might end the story.

I REALLY like it I just don't think anyone else does!! Maybe like a hand full of people! Maybe less!!! Idk!! UGHHHHH!!!

Might be the last chapter tho ._. I'm sorry...

Harry's POV--

I let my face become damp with tears and my eyes swell up and become puffy and red for crying. I let my self go and loose it to quickly..

I let Eli just take a giant piece of me with her! I let Allie take the other! It was like I have a big ass gap in my heart! That no one can fill!!! Not even my friends, family or anything!

I let Allie so the side of me a 4 year old girl should never see! I'm just re-thinking my whole life right now..

If it even matter or... If I have a meaning to go on anymore....

But then what about Allie, the boys, mum and Gemma and everyone else? Wouldn't they even wonder where I am right now? Or do they even care anymore?

Even fans think it.. I'm changing! Only in a matter of 7 days I've changed from the funny, love able, flirty tease cheeky boy in the band..

To just a sad, dull, lifeless and plain person.. No one wanted to associate with me.. Only if they knew huh?

But I could help to think about the journal.. I brought it with me before I ran out the house..

I didn't want to read it but.. Knowing me I read it anyways.. I didn't turn to the first few pages.. Those were when.. When I first meet her here in these woods..

I went to where her last entry was.. It was a few pages past 1/5 of the journal.. It was the first entry and started reading i started at the top that said dear Harry,

Dear Harry,


I bet your reading this.. I'm not dumb!! But if you are HEY HAZZYBEAR!!! I LOVE YOUU!! CONGRATZ BABE!! I wish I could see you a give you a big kiss and hug to tell you how proud I am!! I watched your interview on the today show and watched your performance!! I really really am proud you made it so far babe <3

Today's a special day!! It's someone's birthday!! So I guess I should tell you know? The special person her names Allie and she's turning 2 years old today!! And tell Zayn we said happy birthday as well!!

Allie is your daughter Harold and I wish you could meet her! She looks so much like you sometimes I cry from how similar you both look! I meant to tell you before you left but I didn't want you to stay back and ruin your dreams, you and I both know I could never do that to you love..

I'm sorry.. I blame everything on me! When she sees you she just smiles brightly and her eyes sparkle just like yours when your happy.. And guess what!!

Her first words her dada! I smiled when she started clapping and screaming dada at the top of her lungs! She tried to say your name but she couldn't say her 'R's so she says 'mama! Looks its dada!! Hally!!' I giggled when I heard her say that.. She knows the boys too.. She says their names too!





And 'Hally' she loves you guys ! She even has the bear lol.. The shelter bought it for her for Christmas since she would always walk around saying your names..

Harry.. Come back? Find us soon.. We miss you and.. I just... I just don't think I could bare the pain in my chest anymore.. I wanted to be that perfect little family and do everything as a family and grow old and adventure like we said we would!

But good things come to the ones who wait HAZZYBEAR! ❤ I CAN'T WAIT TILL THE DATE!! I got it marked on when ill see you!! But it's in 2013!! Ill see you then babe.. We love you!

-Eli <3

I felt the tears falling and then followed by more tears. I felt the drops fall hard into the pond.

I quickly stood up and ran to the rock and ran all the way home.. If they think for ONE MINUTE that I'm going to give up my own daughter..

They got another thing coming their way..

The rain started to fall harder as I looked both ways and ran across the street. I saw a taxi parked in front of the house then drive off followed by the house door shutting closed.

I knitted my eye brows together and ran towards the house and swung open the door. Their was a suitcase sitting by the stairs and I heard murmurs and mumbles followed by faint laughs come from the living room.

I walked to the living room te squeak and squish sound of my boots and clothing echoing threw the hall. Drops falling from my hair my curls covering my eyes slightly.

I walked into the living room door frame and saw a girl with blond hair that was tucked into her yellow rain coat her black jeans tucked into her yellow boots. Her back was facing me as she was talking to my mum.

They both were smiling and drinking tea. I coughed and both heads turned toward me.

The girl i saw looked awfully familiar and I narrowed my eyes at her.

She had chocolate brow eyes and tinted tan skin. I tilted my head to the side as her smile turned to a frown as she stood up and paced toward me.

As she got closer her features became more clear and her face popped into my head.

"Hello Harry" she said teasingly. As she stuck her hand out.

I took it into mine as her hands where cold. She fake smile was placed on my lips as I nodded.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I blurted out. Again my eyes narrowed as I studied her face for something particular.

She laughed almost coldly and shook her head side to side looking down. She brought her head up to meet my eyes as i still had the same look.

"It's because you don't.. My names Alex.. And I'm here to take Allie from you"


I know it's short but it's something right?

So yeah see you guys around!

Love you!


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