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I ran

And ran

And ran

And kept running deeper and deeper and deeper into the woods until I saw it.

I was a big rock with vines covering it. Beside it was written in red paint that I brought when me and Eli were young and would come here.

It wrote.

"Shhh! Secret!! You'll die if you walk in here!! GO AWAY FOOL!"

Typical Eli.. I walked threw the vines and their was an old bench sitting in the middle of a big field full of flowers and grass all around it. Their was a small water fall and a little pond.

It was clear blue you could see the pebbles sitting at the bottom and small tadpoles swimming around.

Beside was an old house, it was small and probably had only a few things. It was amazing that it was barely teared down. I bit my lip at the thought of what could still be inside that house.

I sat on the bench and placed my head between my hands. I cried harder at the memories that started to flood my mind.

* flash back*

I was crying as I just found out my mum and dad were divorced. They have no sympathy at all for their own children!

No one does! No one will even care! No one!

I ran deep into the woods and leaned against a big rock with vines all over it. The rain started to pour but not as hard as the trees were full of leaves covering most of the ground slight drops falling.

I sobbed into my knees as most rain drops feel into my clothing and hair. I kept crying until I saw 2 pair of bear feet stand in front of me.

I looked up at a beautiful girl with handmade bracelets colorful and some dull on her right arm, she had on a gray beanie and a white shirt with gray old shorts. Her feet were bare as she had on black nail polish and dull green eyes.

She smiled at me and I tilted my head to the side wondering if she was real or if I was just going crazy because of crying to much and becoming light headed.

"Hi, uhmm my names Eli and I heard you crying and was.. Well I was wondering if you were okay" she smiled small.

I nodded and looked to the side looking at the trees and bushes covering the floor to the right.

She sighed "right... uhhh mind if I sit with you" she tilted her head to the side to see my face more. I just nodded and looked down at my knees as she sat next to me.

I was surprised to feel her arms wrap around me pulling me into a hug. I broke down in her arms, even if I didn't know her she was so comforting and I got butterflies once we touched.

I must of been crying because I finally pulled away as she was rubbing circles on my back. I smiled and looked down.

"Hey.. How about you come inside and I can give you some warm tea? Yeah?" I looked up at her now bright green eyes and nodded.

I followed her but then stopped. 'She has a house? In the woods?!' I must of been day dreaming because she was poking my cheek.

"Uhmm hello you their? Ello???" She giggled at my reaction once I was back.

I smiled and followed her threw the vines from the rock and saw a small home sitting next to a little pond with a small waterfall. The grass was green as ever and flowers were everywhere! Also their was a small black and brown bench in front of the pond.

Take Care Of Her *under intense editing*Where stories live. Discover now