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Harry's POV

I held the little girl close, walking threw the crowded park. The only sounds of children playing, mothers gossiping, ducks quaking and the wind blowing threw the trees.

I saw the familiar face sitting at a bench, and smiled looking down and Allie who was already squirming in my arms to get down.

"Daddy! Put me down! I'm a big girl now" he pouted, if 5 years old was old then I was 16 again.

"Okay okay! Geez Louise" I laughed and set her on the grass, and she was off running in her direction. She must have heard her laughter and her head shot up from her book. She smiled wide and began talking to her , pointing at a familiar little girl playing in the sand box.

"Yup she's right over their! Go on" she chuckled and looked up as I was just sitting down beside her.

"Lou, how are you" I smiled, she told me about her hair business, how she's getting for the upcoming tour. I nodded and shut my eyes as the breeze blew across my face.

"How about you Hazz, how's Alex? I haven't seen her in a while" she didn't look up from her book, I sighed and laid my head in my hands. How was Alex really? I haven't heard from her either.

"Honestly, I don't know Lou... I don't know what to do" she sighed and shut her book and placed it beside her, before he turned to me completely. I looked over at her with lazy eyes before shaking my head, and looking back at the park where Allie played nicely with Lux in the sandbox.

"Harry! You just need to get out more. You know you can't take Allie on your with us again after what happened last time" my blood boiled, oh I remember. I huffed loudly and shook my head, sometimes those girls could go to far.

"I know Lou I know!" I sighed, remember Ellie and the promise I made her. And whenever I broke a promise the same thing she always would tell me 'don't make promises to me that you can't keep Harry!' And I was going to keep this promise and keeping my daughter safe.

"Look I know a girl, she's a lovely girl her names Adeline and-" I stopped her right their.

"Did you say Adeline? How the hell do you know her?!"

"Wooooah their tiger, I should be asking YOU" she narrowed her eyes, I laughed and shot my hands up in mock surrender.

"Adeline was Ellie's sister! Why didn't I ask her when I saw her at the airport! Why am I so stupid" I groaned, sliding down on the bench. She chuckled and patted my chest- picking up her book again.

"Don't worry champ, I'll text her later and tell her what's up, I'm sure she'll be willing to take care of her niece" I looked over at her and took her hand and smiled, she looked at me with a raised brow.

"Harry I love you but now your just weird" I laughed, and shook my head and just squeezed her hand and let go, looking back at my daughter who was talking to Lux loudly.

"Thanks Lou, for everything" I sighed happily, she didn't say anything but hummed and returned to reading.

I looked over where a punch of trees surrounded a large willow tree, under the tree was a familiar girl, one that I loved.

She smiled brightly at me, her hands behind her back, her face was clear and clean, she looked pure, her hair was out and messy, but it was natural. Their was something around her head, little pink flowers scattered around like a crown, she wore a loose white dress that didn't even seem to fit her but suited her comfortably. Her toes played in the grass, she she tilted her head to the side a smile still on her face.

I smiled back and looked over at Allie real quick to see her building a castle with another little girl, I looked back and she rose her hand high in the air and waved it like she was excited to finally be able to see her favorite celebrity, I chuckled quietly so Lou wouldn't ask me and assume I was crazy.

She looked like she was giggling, I sighed - damn I miss her so much. She sighed like she heard me and smiled again, but sadly. She waved again and blew a kiss before she spun around, the dress fanning our with her twirl and walked away into the trees, fading away every step the walked further away.


This was a really shitty book man. Whatever .

Take Care Of Her *under intense editing*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant