I Dont Trust You (Newt)

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A/n: this is for newtgotmelike who is my first official request! I got requests after she asked me and I got busy with those in my other imagines book, but now Im going to do hers before I finish the other ones.

Heya! ((Waves to newtgotmelike)) ENJOYYYY!


-Her POV-

I was going up. Up and up and up. I couldn't see anything except a blinking red light. I sat up and my bed spun, gravity fighting against me as I went up and up and up.

I gave up and just laid my head back down, looking over into the darkness.

I found myself surprisingly calm, other than my raging heartbeat and the my watery eyes. I didn't know what was going on but I just felt... Really sad. Like someone had taken something that my life depended on. Like someone had ripped out my soul. I felt empty, like there was a huge hole. I felt broken and smashed.

It seemed like I was going up forever. But, eventually, I stopped going up. The cold metal beneath me have me the impression I was IN something, which made more sense. It looked like I was just rising in a cloud of darkness, honestly. My eyes had started to adjust to the pitch darkness but I still could only see black and darker black, indicating whatever it was in had other things in it too.

When a harsh light cut through the sky-or, ya know, the space above me-I buried my eyes in my hands. SANNE, I thought suddenly. It registered that it was my name but it literally came out of no where. Okay then.

"Uh, anyone in there?" A deeper voice called out.

I heard a sigh and I looked up slowly, my eyes burning with the light after so much darkness.

"Hey. You okay? Please don't be dead. I hate being alone... Despite Nick but that's not really-"

"Are you going to keep blabbing on or do I need to guess your name?" I whispered irritatedly. My voice kinda croaked at the end and I wondered if I'd been screaming before I started coming up. I had to come from somewhere...

Wait. Where did I come from? I realized I didn't know. My eyes rose to the boy and all I saw was a blurry blob but I could tell that he was dark skinned and taller.

"I can't... Where did I come from?" I asked, suddenly scared.

A blob over to the head area. I think he was rubbing the back of his neck. Slowly, my vision was starting to clear as my pupils readjusted, screaming the whole way.

Finally my vision cleared and I looked up at the boy. He had a relived look on his face and dark skin.

"Welcome to hell," he said cheerily, which threw me off.


"You'll see," he said vaguely. We got out of the box-which is what I realized it was as I looked around-and Alby-he told me his name after I asked again-gave me a tour and introduced me to the only other people here: Nick, Minoh, Fry Pan, and George.

Nick was the leader, Minoh was the only person who dared to run in "the maze" (the thing the openings led to. As I'd had to ask that,  remembered it.) and Fry Pan was the cook. Alby was struggling with fixing people up as a make shift doctor and George was the fixer in the Glade.

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