Chapter 6: Vanessa

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What am I gonna do. Maybe I'm going crazy. But I still can't have people think they can just come into my house when they feel like it. Like for instance Tyler, He walked right through the door, shirtless and said,

"Hey, mind if I eat breakfast here? I forgot to go grocery shopping."

He was already digging in my fridge.

"No. I don't mind." I said, glaring at him. "And for gods sake, put a Damn shirt on." I yell.

Nothing is weirder than having to see your brother half naked.

"I'm going to school." I call, heading to the door. Not that I'm really in school, I'm actually in college, which is basically the same thing I guess.

"See ya. I'll lock up after I'm done." Tyler responds.


I head to school. There's a guy in a gray hoodie sitting on the outside bench. It almost looks exactly like the guy from the ally. I start to quicken my pace.

It can't be the same guy. Would he really come from Denver to San Francisco, just to kidnap me? That's crazy. If it is, something else is going on. I'm really worried. Maybe I should tell someone. No. They'll think I'm stupid or crazy. I can't have people thinking that about me on my first day.

The campus is beautiful. I head through the doors and go down to the main office. I collect my books and schedule. I head to my dorm. Open the door. Guess what? My roommate is a man! This makes absolutely no sense. Maybe I got the wrong dorm number? I glance at my paper, then glance at the wall by the door. Same numbers.

"Hey what are you doing here? You're a girl." The guy said.

"Well no duh. I have a vagina, breasts, curves and long hair. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Besides, it's you who's not supposed to be here." I said.

"Uh. I didn't need to know that you had a vagina and all that, but that's ok. I know some guys with long hair. Anyway, here's my paper. The name's Caleb Smithwood." He says, handing over his paper.

I glance at it. It says that this is his room.

"There has to be a mistake." I said.

"Do you want to go to the main office and see what happened?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

We head down. When we get there they said there's nothing they could do.

"You signed up late Mrs. Hilton. There was only one room available. It was given to Mr.Smithwood." The secretary said.

I can't believe it. What kind of college is this?

"Isn't there a rule or something stating that men and women can't be together in the same dorm?"

"Well, not necessarily. But technically yes."

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" I said.

"Anyway. When your mother came down here, she said that any dorm would be fine and that your not looking for anyone special anyway. So." The lady replies.

Oh my god. I can't believe my mom would embarrass me like this. Part of that didn't even make any sense either. I never even knew she came down here.

Caleb snorts and laughs a little.

"And I'm sure Caleb isn't going to try to seduce you in anyway. Right, Mr.Smithwood?"

He's still giggling.


I jab him in the groin.

He groans at the force that had hit him in the balls. I laugh secretly inside.

"Uh. No ma'am." He groans.

"Mrs Hilton, I don't want to see that happen again. And since it's your first day, I'm going to let you off the hook."

I take my bags and some extra stuff I had packed to my dorm. I never really was a girly girl. Caleb was surprised with every single item I took out of my boxes. It was funny cause after smashing his balls you'd kinda know I'm not that kind of girl.

"Ok let's get one thing straight. Because your a man, and some men need to please themselves. I'm making a rule. No masturbating in the dorm." I stated.

"Eww. What kinda guy you take me for? I'm not that gross. I get all I need from the ladies." He replies.

"Oh that too. No sex!" I said.

"When you're not here?" He asked.


"What about when you are here?"

"Definitely yes! What, you think you're gonna have sex with me?!"

"You never know" He said smirking.

It sent shivers through my spine.


(A)/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy. This was a short chapter too. I didn't know how much time I had. Like, comment and share. Hope you enjoy it so far.

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