Chapter 13: Vanessa

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   I woke up feeling amazing, besides the fact that I've been kidnapped. This bed is like heaven. I sit up and a delicious smell has wafted itself to my nose. It smells like toast and citrus. I slide my feet over the edge of the bed. I found where the smell was coming from. There is a tray of food sitting on the dresser across the room.

    I realize I'm starving when my stomach growls and feels like it's eating itself.  I walk over to the tray and bring it back to the bed. There's bacon, eggs, wheat toast, mini waffles and hash browns with a glass of OJ. It's like a breakfast from heaven. It looks good. But does it taste good. Knowing there's only two guys in this house with me it can't be that good. 

   I shove a piece of waffle into my mouth with some syrup and I moan. It tastes so good. They're really sweet but not too sweet to where you could only eat maybe one or two bites and be full. The bacon is extra crispy, just the way I like them. The eggs have a little salt and pepper on them and the hash browns are also lightly seasoned. 

   I was so hungry that I didn't even consider or think that maybe Sebastian could've poisoned them; But after the conversation I heard last night before Sebastian carried me to bed, I'm probably wrong about him poisoning me. 

   I stop eating and take a swig of orange juice. Not to sour and not too sweet. Just right. I think about what William had said last night. 

   So apparently Sebastian loves me or something, I don't know; But why and how could he? I just don't get it. And about my memories getting stolen? What on earth were they talking about? I have so many questions, but before I could come up with any of the answers, Sebastian walks in. 

   "Good morning. I see you're enjoying breakfast so far." He smiles.

   I look down at my plate and see that I've eaten about 75% of it. I must have been really hungry. That was a lot of food. 

   "Took me only 20 minutes to cook everybody some. Why don't you come on downstairs?" he says. "There's a change of clothes in the bathroom."

   I look down at my body and realize I'm still wearing the clothes from last night. Sebastian removes himself from the doorway and shuts it. Leaving me by myself to change. 

   I head into the bathroom and find the change of clothes on the counter. 

   After I put them on, I look at myself in the mirror. 

   "Well, at least he didn't pick anything slutty or showing too much skin." I say to myself.

   It was actually not that bad of an outfit for a guy to pick out. I thought it kinda looked cute on me. Weird thing is, he knew my exact size for everything. 

   It was a white cream colored loose tank top that went past the button on the high waist jeans he set out. There was also a pair of socks sitting there. I look down at my feet and realized I still had my heels on. I sat down on the bed an took them off, slipped the socks on and slide into the black boots he left beside the cabinet. Which also fit me. My feet felt much better after taking those towers off.

   I walk down the stairs and still smell the remnants of breakfast lingering. I see Will reading a newspaper at the dining table. Sebastian is sitting across from him, finishing up his food. 

   I look around the house. It's a beautiful home. The walls are a pearl white, there's silver ornaments, dishes and condiment containers, and there's little specks of gold on some things here and there that accent the place perfectly. The counter tops are made of marble and the dining table is made of a type of mahogany wood with a white lace tablecloth.

   I walk into what I think is the living room. One couch that wraps around half the room is made of suede. A love seat on the other side of the room, slightly in a corner is made of leather. There is a bar facing the kitchen. 

   I turn the corner and find the front door. I walk towards it.

   "Where do you think you're going?" 

   I turn around to see Sebastian leaning against the door frame, his hands in his jean pockets. He's wearing a black short sleeved t-shirt that shows every muscle in his chest. 

   He uncrosses his legs and stands up straight, crossing his arms. 

   "You know I won't hurt you. Why do you want to try and get away?" 

   His eyes show that he feels hurt. Why does he care so much? I'm just a victim of his kidnapping. I don't know why he apparently knows so much about me. Why does he want me so bad? There are a thousand other girls in the world he could kidnap that are much more sexier than me.

   "Why do you want me so much? There are tons of other girls that are much prettier than me. So why?" I ask.

   He winces. 

   "I didn't kidnap you because you're pretty. I like your personality; You're actually quite beautiful though." he replies.

   I felt a blush coming on. When he sees it, he smiles. I let out a huge breath and drop my head so I can try to hide my face in my hair.

   "You don't have to hide your face from me." He replies laughing.

   He comes up to me and lifts my chin up. He stares right into my eyes. 

   "You never have to hide from me." He says, his breath warm against my face and smells of peppermint.

   I see something dance in his eyes, just a flicker. Then, it's gone. I wonder what he was thinking right at that second. 

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