Chapter 8: Vanessa

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I look at the man sitting next to me. He has eyes the color of light shades of sapphire. Thick black hair. Muscles rippling. He's wearing a clean dark black suit. His legs stretched out over the seat.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Nothing, at the moment. I just want to talk."

"Ok." I said, shaking. I was worried he'd might hurt me.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

Let's start with introduction first." He replied.

"Ok. It appears to me that you already know my name. What's yours." I ask.

"It's Sebastian." He replied.

He smiled as he noticed how uncomfortable I was.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"I'm not doing anything.....Yet." He said with a smirk on his face.

Oh god. I'm going to die tonight.

Someone knocks on the tinted window. Sebastian rolls it down.

"Get out here so we can talk." The guy says.

He has short blond hair and a double chin. He's wear purple tinted sunglasses.

As Sebastian opens the car door, I can see that we're not in the same parking lot. We're at a gas station.

Sebastian shut the door. I slide over to the other side and try to listen to what they're saying.

I can't make out much.

"Well, let's see her!" One of them exclaimed.

One of them opens the door.

"This is Vanessa." Sebastian said, gesturing toward me. "Smile Vanessa."

I give him a sarcastic smile, hating him for putting me on display like this.

Why is he doing this?

"She's Pretty." The blonde said.

"She's more than just pretty Brad. She's beautiful, smart, compassionate, loving and full of life." Sebastian said.

Wow, who knew you could say so much about someone you don't even know. That's creepy.

"Uh... thanks, I guess." I reply.

"Hey and she's not as shy as the others." Brad said.

Oh my god. There are others? Well isn't that just peachy.

"Just shut up Brad." Sebastian said.

"Well, I'm gonna head out. See ya later." Brad said.

Sebastian gets in the car and slams the door shut.

" You'll have to excuse Brad, he can be rude sometimes."

"Who are you? What do you want?" I ask.

"You already know who I am. And you'll find out what I want soon enough. Why so eager? hmmm." He replies,chuckling.

"That's not what I meant. What's your last name? Do I know you from the past? And I'm not eager for anything. I'm just wondering what your gonna do to me before you sell me or kill me or whatever it is you kidnappers do. I'm just scared I guess. Which to be honest, I'm usually not scared easily." I told him.

Wow. I can't believe how calm I was. I mean sure I was scared about what was going to happen to me, and wondering if my family will miss me and all; But I'm not like terrified or anything. I'm not screaming at the top of my lungs and doing all I can to escape.

For some reason I feel like I can trust Sebastian, trust him not to hurt me. I don't know why. It sounds crazy.

I feel like I know him. Though I don't even know his last name.

"You don't have to be scared." Sebastian said, surprising me.

I didn't even realize how deep into thought I was.

"Why shouldn't I be? I mean it's not normal to just kidnap people dude."

"I didn't kidnap you. I simply just...Um..... allowed you to sit in this car with me... um... at your own free will?"

"Uh. That sounded more like a question to me; And you call this at 'my own free will?' Ugh! Men! Sometimes I wonder." I replied.

"Besides Vanessa, this isn't a kidnapping. I will explain it to you soon enough. But right now you need to rest up for what is to come." He said.

"Will you tell me how you know my name?" I asked.

"I'm surprised that you don't remember. Did I really look that different?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked. I was so confused.

"I mean I've encountered you before. You should know me. It's been a while. But I remember you quite clearly. You were the first person I.... You know what it doesn't even matter. You need rest. Something is coming." He finishes.

"What. What is coming?"

"Someone you thought you knew so well. I guess you'll find out soon enough."

(A/N: Some of it might not make sense because I didn't do any editing. Not enough time. I wanted to publish this as soon as I can bc my friends wanted me to and I don't know when the next time will be for me to write a new chap. Hope you enjoy it so far. Make me smile by clicking the star below your screen. Love ya guys.)

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