Chapter 29: Vanessa

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(A/N: hey guys, sorry i couldn't post a new chapter earlier. I got really busy.)

     I reached for my phone as it buzzed in my pocket and see that it's Tyler. 

     "What do you want?" I asked

     "What did you do?" Is the first thing he tells me.

     "What are you talking about?" 

     "You are gonna have to drive over here." He replies.

     "I'll see what I can do" I reply.

     I head into the kitchen and look for Sebastian and William and they're nowhere in sight. I find Sebastian's car keys lying on the counter and take them as I am putting my jacket on. I head out the door and run to the car. As I am pulling out of the driveway Sebastian comes chasing after me with Will standing in the doorway.

     I head to my house and notice the door is hanging open. There are police surrounding the area as I pull in. Tyler rushes towards me as I hop out of the car stolen car. 

     "There is something you should see." He said. 

     I walk through the door and stop as I notice things that I don't own but are familiar lying spread out in my floor.

     Julia's charm bracelet, watch, necklace, a promise ring her boyfriend gave her and one of her old t-shirts with cherry kool aid stains are on the carpeted floor with black numbers on them. At least I hope it's cherry kool aid; probably not.

     That's when I see the note. 

     We have your friend. She is perfectly fine and unharmed in our care. There is no need for you to worry about her. She does need your help to get back to where she lives. She has been recently used for something and doesn't realize some things. We are honestly not bad people, we just do stuff that people have the tendency to not like even though we think it's a good idea. I would give you her location but then that would give away our specified location and how to find us. So, once we've distanced ourselves we will let you know where she is.

     It then shows a picture of her sleeping at the bottom. 

     "Excuse me ma'am, but we are gonna have to know who kidnapped you and why these people have this friend of yours." 

     I turned around to face an police officer. I then looked at Tyler.

     "What did you tell them?" I said angrily. 

     I looked back at the man in front of me.

     "I just need some air. This is really hard to process. I am really sorry." I said. 

     I headed outside and as soon as I was out of eyesight I ran for the car and drove off. I had nowhere to go. There was only one place I could go.

     I headed to my old home that had burned down. It was in the middle of nowhere. I parked the car by the side of the closed highway and headed into the woods.  There was a telescope in my tree house where we could see things almost 2 miles away. I positioned it on the car and decided to lay down and look at the starry night sky. I sat there for what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes. I wouldn't know, I don't have a watch on me. I looked through the telescope and noticed someone lurking around the car. It looked like a vagabond. He got into the driver's side and took off.

     "Ugh! Why was I so stupid to leave the damn keys in the freaking car?" I yelled.

     How am I gonna get back now? Not that I was even planning to, but still. Who will know where I am at?

     Then I just realized that I still have my phone on me. I could call someone but I don't want to. I am just gonna sleep on it and in the morning I'll know what to do. I can't believe how fast things have spiraled out of control.   

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