Chapter 7: Vanessa

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(I know it's been a while. I'm going through a rough time. Here's some good news though. I told the man of my life that I love him. Anyway. Here's a new chapter. hope you enjoy.)


After I'm all done unpacking I head to my first class to meet my teacher.


After I've been to my classes, I decided that I'm going to a restaurant for dinner.

I get in my car and couldn't find a single restaurant that interested me. Instead I found a sort of club kinda place. It's called Ocean Blue.

I walk in and the music is blaring. Blue, purple, green and white lights dance around the place. I see people dancing in a sectioned area, people sitting at the bar, and tables where couples are having dinner. At least I wasn't over dressed, nor was I underdressed. I was wearing my favorite black belly shirt with black cut strands hanging and a black leather skirt that ended at the bottom of my knees.

I took a seat at the bar and ordered a margarita. I wasn't really that hungry anyway so.

This night was just about me. I was going to have fun. Which I haven't done in a long time so.

A tall, dark haired man comes up from behind me.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked.

"Uh, no thanks. I already got one." I replied.

"It's almost gone. You sure I can't get you another?" He keeps pressing.

"I'm sure." I replied.

I really wasn't happy about how the guy just stood there, as if I'm going to change my mind.

A few moments later he said "Ok then. Let me know if maybe you wanna dance. I will be over there." He pointed to the dance floor, where it was sectioned off.

I sit there and watch him walk away. His steps smooth and brisk.

After I finished my drink I decided to go dance for a while.

I felt someone's hands wrap around my waist. I want to give in but I'm afraid. I keep my hips moving to the music, not saying anything.

"I see you decided to come and dance. Having fun?" the man whispered in my ear.

This guy wasn't gonna quit.

I decided to amuse him just a little.

"A little." I replied.


I keep dancing with him. His hands still wrapped around me.

"Say, why don't we leave this place and go somewhere else?" He asked.

"I don't even know your name." I said.

"Jason." He said.

"Well Jason, sorry but, I have to go. Find some other girl to hook up with tonight cause it ain't gonna be me." I said, pushing him away and heading towards the door.

I look behind me to see if he's following me and he isn't. He just hangs his head and walks to the bar.

I head to the back of the place, towards the alley where my car was parked.

I pull out my keys, then suddenly man hands pick me up and drag me across the parking lot.

"Put me down!" I yelled.

I kicked and writhed against him. I started to scream.

He wrapped his hand around my mouth.

"Hush now. You don't want the boss to be angry with you, now do you?" The man said.

I am shoved into a nearby car, can't tell what kind. The man binds my hands, then slams the car door shut.

"Hello, Vanessa."

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