Chapter 3

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Taylor awoke in a cold sweat. Images of the girl still in his mind. He got up from the couch, and made his way into the kitchen. The clock on the stove read 12:45 still late , or early, to early for him to be up. He walked over to the cuber and grabbed a cup. He filled it with water from the tap and sipped the drink slowly. looking out the wind he could see the moon in full shine. Taylor walked back oo the couch slummy and fell back to sleep.

The next time Taylor awoke it was 9:50. He slept in later then normal of corse he did wake up in the middle of the night.

"Taylor you're finally up. Now I can unpack things in the front room." Taylor's mother said as he entered the kitchen after putting his blanket and pillow on top of a box in his, unfinished , room.

"I'm sorry, you could have woken me up."

"You looked tired" his mother was at the table siping on a coffee.

"I didn't sleep very well."

"Why's that?"

"Nothing , the couch just isn't very comfortable. Has dad already left?"

"He left early this morning. Your brothers are upstairs in their rooms."

Taylor grabbed a leftover pice of pizza and ate it cold. "I was going to go and get some paint for my room, I was thinking grey." he said with a mouthful of pizza.

"Taylor don't speak with your mouth full, its rude."

He swallowed before speaking again " sorry ."

"But yes you can go I think grey would look good in your room, this may not be our old home but with you painting your room to make it look like your old one might make the house feel more like home." she sent a small smile Taylor's way.

"Thanks mom." Taylor finished his pizza and looked in the boxes in his room for a change of clothes. Once he was done he headed out the door. He went to the garage to get his black bike, he would drive but his father had the car. Not like it was to far to the store , probably a 10 minute bike ride.

When Taylor Turned into the parking lot of the small store there were few cars,only about five. He chained his bike and walked through the automatic doors to the store.

"Hi there." A chipper voice said from besideTaylor, making him jump slightly. "how may I've of service?"

"Jesus's ! You startled me."

"Oh, sorry. We don't get many people in here let alone someone I've never met. You from around here?"

"Actually no , I just moved here"

"Well then welcome to Grimco" The girl said with a smile. " I'm Clara Fishers." She said offering her hand

"Taylor... Taylor Mackenzie." He said accepting the hand shake.

"Now that we have been properly introduced , can I help you find anything?"

"Paint, grey paint preferably."

"Follow me Taylor Mackenzie." Clara said walking off in front of Taylor.

"So how long have you lived here?" Taylor asked as the two winded thoroughly the halls of tools and seeds.

"Pretty much my whole life. I lived in a small town about two hours north from here for a year then we moved here, so basically my whole life since nobody remembers anything from like 5 and under."

"Do you like it here?"

"You get used to it, a bit small and a little rundown and gloomy but it'll grow on you."

They winded around a few mor corners and came to a wall of paint.

"Here we are paint , grey paint , " She said taking a can of paint off the shelf and bringing it to the counter. "Will that be all? Paint brushes , or ?

"No I think we have some."

"$10.27. "

Taylor paid for the paint and carried it out to his bike, only now realizing that he had no clue how he was going to carry the paint home while ridding his bike.

He placed the paint on the ground and walled back into the store and to the counter where Clara still stand.

"Back so soon? Forget something ? Just miss me?"

"No, I was wondering if you had your license?"

"You're in luck I just got it, why?"

"You have a car?"


"Can I get a ride."

"Now why would you need a ride? How the hell did you get here?" Clara smirked crossing her arms over her chest.

"I rode my bike, but I don't exactly have eight arms so.."

"Sure i'll give you a ride." Clara smiled and steeped away from the counter. She grabbed her keys and walked out the door.

Taylor walked fast to catch up to her. "Don't you need to tell someone you're leaving?"

"They'll figure it out. Plus I've left without permission before. Don't you worry. My cars the blue one over there." she said pointing to the far corner of the lot. " We can put your bike in the trunk."

Taylor ran to grab his bike as Clara picked up the paint and placed it in the truck. She pointed to where Taylor should put the bike.

"So," she said closing the trunk of her car " Do you not have a licence that you could have used to drive yourself both here and back to your house ?"

"I do , for your information, but we only have one car and my dad leaves for work before I get up, hence no car."

"I see. Consider me your personal driver from now on then."

"I've literally known you for 20 minuets."

"I make friends easily, I know a friend when I see one trust me."

"Okay then. I live in 125 willer road." Taylor told her while siting down in the passenger side. "What?" he asked when he relished Clara was starring at him blankly. "you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. " She shook her head like she was clearing her mind from thought. "its just that house is..."

"What about my house?"

"Nothing , it's nothing never mind."

"No tell me."

"It's just the old St.Cloom place that's all."


Sorry it's kinda short. I hope you liked. *crosses fingers*

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