Chapter 8

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As Taylor made his way to his second class he realized one thing, he was flying solo on this one. Neither Ray or Clara was in his second period class, science. If it's one thing about science that Taylor knew it's you usually need a lab partner, he wasn't sure how this school worked, did the teacher assign partners or was it the students who pair themselves up? Either way , he was basically screwed.

Once finding the classroom he took a seat on a stool at the back of the room, just after he sat down a boy with blond hair sat on the stool next to him.

"Hey, I'm Cooper." he said offering his hand.


"I've never met a guy with the name Taylor before, my cousins best-friends name is Taylor but she a girl.'

"It is an odd one isn't it.'

"I like it."

There was a short silence before Taylor asked how the pairing went in this class.

"Normally with Mr.Manning it's whoever is siting at your lab table is your lab partner, as you can see there are only two stools at each set of science stuff."

Taylor looked around, Cooper was right, in the room were four rows on each side of the room with a space between for walking space, at each table there was room for four stools, meaning two pairs at each table.

"So.." Taylor started but was interrupt by the voice of a man, he pursued was Mr.Mannings, the teacher.

"Take your seats, you are in school not at some summer concert. Welcome to science I'll be your teacher, Mr.Mannings." he said writing his name on the bird at the front of the room. "As always the person siting next to you are your partners for the semester." A boy in the front row began to raise his hand. "that means your elbow partner, Mr. Stone."

This teacher seemed to be kinda tough, all class Taylor haven't seen one smile on his face not even the slightest of one. By the end of class , Taylor was board out of his mind. Taylor now had lunch to look foreword to, no possibility it could be even a little boring, He assumed he would be sitting with Rayna and Clara , two of the most interesting people he could think of. He constipated if he should ask Cooper to sit with them or not, he decided against it, how was he to know if Cooper knew the girls or even of they got along.

The three somehow found an empty table and claimed it as theirs.

"How was your class with out us." Ray asked

"Boring , sad ?" Clara added on

"Pretty good actually, except the teacher. My lab partner is a guy named Cooper, he seems cool."

"Copper?" Ray asks as the boy sat beside her.

"You call I come to your rescue." Copper said putting his arm around Rayna's shoulders.

"Shut up Copper."

"You guys all know each other?" Taylor asked confused.

"Sadly we do." Clara said with a frown

"Sad for you maybe.", Explained Rayna, "Copper is my boyfriend, Im glad you too have already acquainted yourselfs."

"You're Taylor right." Cooper said as Taylor nodded his head. "you can call me Coop, all my friends do."

"We're friends now?" Taylor questioned

"Of course, you are my lab partner after all, plus any friend of Rayna is a friend of mine."

"How long have you been the third wheel?" Taylor asked Clara as he took a bite from the pizza slice he had bought for lunch."

"Only as of recently, it was the three of us as friends for a long time then those two kinda clicked and boom, couple. "

"Glad I came along we can be wheel three and four."

"Welcome to the wagon." The group laughed at Clara's welcome.

"Do you want the left or right side?" Taylor asked adding to the gig.

" I like the right myself, if you don't mind."

"I do not, I quite enjoy the left side in fact."

"We make a good team."

Clara and Taylor let out a small laugh before they relied Rayna and Cooper were pre occupied by each other to listen to them.

"Perhaps we should leave." Clara said slowly standing up. Taylor joined her and the left the lunch room. Walking down the hall Taylor noticed something on the wall, looked like a plaque.

"Clara , is that the Elizabeth St.Gloom plaque?"

"It is, you want to see it?" Clara started to ask but Taylor was already traipsing over to it.

On the plaque Taylor read ,

In memory of
Elizabeth Victoria St.Gloom
1975 - 1992
A beautiful soul and a heart of gold, a poor girl lost to early to a train accident. She will always be missed and never forgotten not by this school and not by this town.

"Heart warming isn't it?"

"Poor girl. It's so tragic."

"I know, I can only imagine the joy she brought to this town, I've never seen it." 

Taylor almost couldn't peel his eyes from the plaque. Her name, Elizabeth, being said over and over inside of his head.

Something inside of Taylor jolted "Elizabeth!" Taylor whispered to himself.

"Did you say something?" Clara asked him.

"Uh.. no. Listen I'll catch up with you later okay?"

"Suit yourself."She said and started away.

Elizabeth, thought Taylor, that's the name of the girl he keeps meeting in his dreams.

So long no update sorry, school starts soon so I've kinda been preoccupied. Anyways I hope you liked.

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All My Love

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