Chapter 10

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Taylor ran down the stairs and out the door, ignoring his mothers questions of, where are you going? He ran to the tracks he had found earlier. He was afraid he was to late to see her.

" Hey!" He screamed " Elizabeth!"

He revived no answer, he was starting to think that his dreams really were just dreams, not a hunch at all.

" Can I help you? " someone said from behind Taylor making him jump. "Sorry did I scare you?"

"Just started me that's all." He said turning a beautiful young girl around his age.

"Anyways can I help you?"


"Do you need help with anything or..."
"Oh I'm okay."
"Why'd you call then?"
"Oh I was calling for a girl I wish I could get to know, I didn't think she would come. "

"But I did."

"What... What do you mean I didn't call you?"

"Yes you did. You yelled Elizabeth, that's me."

Taylor stared at the girl claiming to be Elizabeth blankly.

"But you can't be?"

"Why is that?"
"Well you .... Well."
"I'm dead right."
Taylor breathed a sigh of relief. "So you know you're, you know?"
The girl laughed. "Yes I'm aware."
"Shouldn't you be more upset?"
"About what?"
"The fact you're dead?"
"Oh man, I've been this way for years I've gotten over it."
"Why are you still here then?"
"What do you mean?"
"Shouldn't you move on or something? Go to the light or whatever? "
"That's what I thought too but," Elizabeth took a breath, " I've done all I can think of. I watched my sister graduated I saw my friend get married my parents reach 50 year anniversary. I think I'm just stuck here."
This all seamed so surreal, Taylor thought perhaps he was dreaming. Ghosts didn't really exist. That's it he must have been doing homework or something and fallen asleep. "Maybe I can help" he said.
"How? I've kind of accepted the fact I'm stuck."
The two were silent not really knowing what to say.
"Are you not scared of me?" Elizabeth asked.
"To be honest, not really. Sure it's a little freaky but for all I know I'm dreaming."
"But you're not Taylor." Elizabeth said starting to get frustrated." You don't understand Taylor, I've tried everything and I can escape the eternity of pain I'm set for. And there is no way anyone especially someone so mundane." Elizabeth said as she started to walk Dow the tracks once again.
"Elizabeth this is all a dream I can help you, I can do anything."
Elizabeth was already so far down the tracks when she yelled to him. " you can't help me."
"Why not!?" He yelled back.
"Because it's not a dream." The voice of Elizabeth said faintly.

Taylor stood in silence by the dark train tracks. He expected to just wake up once he talked to Elizabeth but he didn't.
"Oh my god." He whispered under his breath at the realization that the moment he had not just witnessed but lived.   

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