Chapter 9

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Elizabeth, that name is too familiar to Taylor. Taylor skipped his next two classes to go to the school library to research this Elizabeth girl. He spent a lot of time on useless records. When he decided on news paper articles. Boom jackpot. He read through many but got no more information then he had before, girl hit by train , haunted tracks , all the same. The only new fact he got was that she had a younger sister only four when she passed. He couldn't imagine how hard it must have been knowing you had a sister that you would never really know or remember much about. Then it hit him, if she had a sister that was four when she passed away then maybe her sister is still around . All he needs is a name.

The final bell rang and Taylor rushed to his locker, he put in his combination and grabbed his homework from his first two classes and quickly locked the door. He ran outside the school and waited for his bus.

"Excuse me ? Where the hell were you last class?" Rayna said coming up behind Taylor.

"Oh, I was in the library."

''You skipped to go to the library? You're such a rebel." she said sarcastically.

"Shut up, it was for research."

"On what? You've been here for a day?"

"Something about house architecture, I was trying to find how to fix my roof in my room." Taylor hated lying but he didn't want to tell her not yet at least.

"That took you two classes?"

"To figure out how to fix it the materials I would need how much that would cost. Yes it took me the majority of two classes."


"It took me a class and a half."

"What did you do god the other half of the last class time?"

"Nothing sat around."

"Sounds fun, anyways?"

"Where's Clara?

"Her mom picked her up she had a doctors appoint or something so you're stuck with me."

The two laughed as their bus pulled in to pick them up. They got on and took their seats. Taylor's bus ride is a relatively short ride. He and Rayna worked on their homework. Rayna saying she will now have time to watch movies all night without being bothered to finish her work. Taylor was going to spend his free time finding more out about Elisabeth.

Once he was dropped off he ran straight to his room, passed his mom, who was filled with questions about Taylor's day.

"Taylor, is everything okay?" His mother asked as he ran up the stairs. When he closed his door he could hear her footsteps walking up the stairs.
" Taylor?!"

" Yes?"
"Is everything alright?"
" Yeah I just have a lot of homework and I want to finish it."
" Oh, let me know if you need any help."

Taylor was not looking forward the phone call his mother would get to let her know about him skipping classes. But what could he do now. Taylor looked for his laptop when he remember his mother had it, he ran down the stairs and and asked his mother for his laptop, he used his excuse that he needed it for homework. He ran back upstairs and sat at his desk. The first thing he did was look up the name Elizabeth St.Gloom hoping to get different hits then he did at school, luckily he did. A family tree. He clicked the link. On the tree was her parents , her and her sister, Emily.  He looked up her name, Emily St.Gloom. He clicked on another link. It was the website for a nursing home, her name was under as a residence.

He was reading more about Emily when he heard it, a train.


Okay I know I haven't updated in like years , I'm sorry. I had a bit of writers block. This chapter is kinda bad but whatever

Like, comment and add to your library so you don't miss an update, I'd appreciate it.

Al My Love

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