Chapter 4

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"St.Cloom place?" Taylor asked  "Whats wrong with it?"

"Nothing it's just...."

"Just what ,Clara?"

"Elizabeth St.Cloom lived thee before her accident with her family, Mother , father and younger sister."

"What happened to her?"

"She liked to walk the train tracks  behind her house, on day the train came early and ..."


"Gone. They named the tracks after her and put a plaque in honour of her at our school. The town has never  been the same since she passed a little less happy, always seems to have a cloud on it's shoulders. She was the sun for this place. People say she haunts the tracks , reporting sightings of a ghostly girl or hearing a scream and then complete silence thats almost erie."

"How tragic."

"Nobody's been in the house since, her family moved out  few months after her death, they said there were to many memories and people always asking how they were doing."

" So i'm the first resident in a while?"


Soon Clara turned into the houses drive way. Taylor got out of the car and got the paint and his bike from the back trunk.

"Thanks for the ride."

"Anytime, i'll see you at later." Clara said and drove out of the driveway.

Taylor put his bike around to the side of the house and brought the paint inside. He made his way to his room and placed the paint in the corner, taking another look at the room he now called his own, he realized something , it could be her room , Elizabeth's old room. That would explain the colour. 

Taylor wanted to know more , what did Clara mean, train tracks near the house? He walked to the houses back door and decided that he would find the tracks they must be close if she walked them every night. He didn't make it very far before his mother was calling his name.

"Taylor. Come on your fathers home."


"He's taking you to the school so you can get a tour so you don't get lost."

"Do I have to Im kinda..."

"Taylor do not talk back to me, you are going, we  were offered the tour and we gratefully accepted it, now come on." 

Taylor forced himself not to talk back. He got into the passenger side of his fathers car and sat in silence as they drove off to the school.

"Listen, Kiddo, I know you didn't want to move or transfer schools but thats why we arranged this tour , so you won't feel so lost."

"Dad ,i'll get lost even if I tattoo the map to the back of my hand."

"Taylor don't be ridiculous , what will make you change your mind about this place, do you want a new bike , phone?"

"Dad, i'm not a kid you can't bribe me with new stuff."

"I'm sorry," His father said with sigh " I just want to make this move easier on you."

"And I appreciate it but, you made me leave my school and my friends."

"Taylor you know we had to move, for my job."

"I know. I'll get over it in time, hopefully."


Taylor's father parked the car in the closest space to the school available.They walked into the double doors and looked for the front office, that was not by the front, it was around the corner from the main entrance.

"Excuse me? I'm Mr.Makenzie." Taylor's father said to the lady behind true desk.

"You're here for the tour correct?" she asked 

"Yes, for my son, Taylor Makenzie."

"The principal will be with you momentarily." She said before pressing a button ." Mr.Smith, Taylor Makenzie is here for his tour of the school."

They waited only a few seconds before a man with grey hair and a suit on come out from a door behind the desk .The man, Taylor guessed he was Mr.Smith, walked over to him and his father.

"Nice to meet both of you, so this is Taylor. You ready to start school here?"

"Not really."

"Taylor!" His father yelled at him.

"No worries Mr.Makenzie, I can understand his struggle, starting a new school in the second year of high school can be hard, I myself moved to a new town when I was going into the eleventh grade. Plus I only know a handful of kids that are excited for school to start back up again." 

Nobody spoke

"Well shall we get on with the tour?" Taylor's father asked in an effort to make things less quiet. 

"We shall , so heres the office, if you ever have an issue or have problems finding your way somewhere just get to the office, it has staff that can help you and a map of the school. Now here," He said pointing to a room," is the guidance office , it's here for your schooling suggestions and help. It's easy to find since it's just beside the office."

The tree continued on the tour , Mr.Smith showing Taylor and his father the location of each class, the library, cafeteria and gym. Mr.Smith  printed up a copy of Taylor's class schedule and showed him the easiest rout to each class from his assigned locker.A few teachers for the classes Taylor was taking were at the school getting ready for the upcoming school year so Mr.Smith intruded Taylor t a few.Before Taylor and his father left , his father insisted on going from the front door to Taylor's locker then to each class to make sure he would be ready and prepared for the first day of school. Taylor found this unnecessary but knew that if he refused it would cause a fuss and fight with his father, so he went to each class , cafeteria and library to make him happy. 

After the long process , Taylor and his father finally left the school, by the time the two get home it'll be dinner, just perfect, he will have no time to look for the tracks in daylight, he would have to look for a flashlight or wait for morning.


Hope you liked it.

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All My Love 


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