Chapter 12

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Taylor spent most of the night wondering and trying to think of ways he could convince his friend he was telling the truth about the girl on the train tracks. He knows it's real , he just has a gut feeling that this girl need his help even if she is a ghost.

The next morning Taylor awoke and it was one of the first nights he had a nights sleep without having it interrupted by thoughts of Elizabeth. Taylor thought moving to a new town would let him start fresh, but now he's being bombarded with thoughts, visions of and encounters with a ghost .

As Taylor sat eating his bowl of cereal he was brainstorming inside his head of ways to get his friends to believe him. The only problem was that he had no idea if he was the only one that could see her or was she seen by others? He had to find out , if it was only him who could see her it was going to be impossible to prove to his friends that she was real. Taylor spend his day researching ghost, why they appear, how to help them and if they were actually real. One site he visited had the contact of a supposed paranormal activity and ghost expert. He went down the and grabbed the living room telephone typing in the number the site gave him.

"Hello?" Someone from the other land answered

"Um... Hi." Taylor responded

"Can I ask who's calling ?"

"Oh , sorry. I'm Taylor. I'm calling because you we're referenced on a site I visited as a ghost expert?"

"Yes I suppose that's what I am, Lily Lockwood at your service."

"I just had a few questions about you know ... Ghosts."

"Fire away kid."

"If I happened to see a ghost would it be possible that I'm the only one that can see it, her , whatever?"

"Well normally ghost are always there rarely seen by the human eye, unlike animals that have more sensitive vision. Most likely the ghost you are speaking of let's only a few see them, kinda like when you watch a movie with mythical creatures in it and they only let a selective few see them, make sense?" She finished with a sigh.

"I'm yeah and how could I get rid of her like let her pass on u guess?"

"Most ghosts that stay on the earths surface just have unfinished business that needs to be settled before they feel as though they can travel on."

"So all I need to do is figure out what her .. or it's unfinished business is and help?"

"Sounds simple right but let me tell you kid maybe you should hire a professional to help you out, no offence but sometimes these situations can get out of hand . And warning you sometimes they may not be really sure what they need to finish to leave." The lady on the other end finished and hung up.

By the time Taylor had finished his phone call the sun was starting to set. He ran to put his shoes on and ran out back to the tracks where he has so often saw the girl. When she was not there he started to doubt she was appearing tonight.

"ELIZABETH!" Taylor called into the air in an attempt to get her attention.

"Yes? What's with the yelling?"

" Elizabeth..I want to help you."

"Help me what, move on?"

"Yeah exactly I want you to be able to move on to wherever you are to go next."

" Taylor that would be greatly appreciated by me however.." Elizabeth started but was cut of by Taylor's impatience.

"Perfect.. I just need to know if you have any unfinished business."

"That's the thing Taylor.. I don't know, I can't remember."

That's when Taylor realized this was going to be a lot harder then he expected.

Hey ... So this kinda sucks but whatever. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I've kinda had some writers block. Anyways.....

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All My Love

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