Chapter 17

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"Taylor, this is so dumb." Clara complained.
Taylor and his three friends were on their way to the thesis tracks, the ones Taylor had visited multiple times since being in the town of Grimco. And the ones that Elizabeth now travels daily.

"Clara just give it a shot okay."

The four of them walked until the reached the tracks.

"Here we are." Taylor announced.

"So this is where she took her last breath." Cooper said in a low voice. "Wow."

"Taylor? Fancy seeing you here." A voice came from behind them. The four turned around and saw the ghostly figure of Elizabeth standing on the edge of the tracks.

"Elizabeth! You're here."

"I'm always here silly. Who are your friends? I don't think I've met any of them?"

Taylor turned to his three friends, their mouths lay open and their eyes wide." This is, from the far side, Rayna ,Cooper and of course Clara."

"It's nice to met you guys, I would shake your hands but, well." She said motioning to her ghost shelf.

" I don't believe it, are you playing a trick on us Taylor? " Rayna asked in the most serious of tones.

"I thought you beloved in ghosts?"

"What's that Taylor?" Elizabeth asked refuting to the diary in his hand.

"Oh, well after you told me you thought you had unfinished business, I went on a search to see if I could uncover the mystery and we found a bunch of boxes in my attic, they were filled with your old stuff and we came across a collection of diaries. Listen to this." Taylor stated and read out loud the entry that was most important.

"Oh my god, Lilly."

"You remember her now?"

"Yes , oh young Lilly she was only 9. I was going to apologize for snapping at her, that's what I was thinking about while I walked out here. What I going to say to her. Oh Taylor do you know, is she still here in Grimco?"

" I don't know yet but I'll find out."

"Are you three here to assist Taylor in helping me."

"Indeed we are." Cooper spoke for them all.

"Splendid. I hate to be like this and take up your time but, I'm afraid I've been wandering  these tracks for 25 years ,anytime someone spots me they yell and run away."

"How'd you hook old Taylor here?" Rayna questioned.

"I'm not completely sure all I know is I cone Ted with him, I was able to go into his dream and influence what he dreamed about, perhaps it's because he moved into my old home?"

"Well it doesn't matter anyway, you can count on us to find Lilly."

"Thank you so much Taylor it means the world to me."

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All My Love

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