Chapter Nine

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The last thing I needed was another reason to dream about Adam, but he sure gave me that at the photo shoot. I lay in my bed as I came out of the dream with the distinct awareness of how my chest was rising and falling rapidly, matching the pace of my heart. I squeezed my eyes shut as my fingers found my lips.

I was screwed. If I kept having dreams like that there was no way I would ever come out of the la-la land Adam created for me. It didn't help that he'd made the photo shoot so amazing—that he'd convinced me there should be couples shots, and he held me so gently against him with his eyes melting into me.

God, his eyes.

I swallowed and rolled my face into my pillow, screaming into it in frustration just as a knock came on the door. As I rolled over in bed I pulled the cotton sheets with me and grabbed for my glasses.

"Coming!" I grumbled as I looked at the time—eight o'clock.

I decided to sleep in because I would get enough of a workout at the beach, and I needed my beauty sleep in order to deal with Vickie and Alec for dinner.

"What?" I asked as I yanked the door open. At this hour it could only be one of the Beckerson boys, and they knew better than to wake me up.

Adam stood there in a white t-shirt and black swimming trunks with an oversized cooler at his feet. His eyes rose up to my disheveled hair before coming back down. He pulled his lips into his mouth to keep from smiling before asking,"Forget something?"

"I was sleeping in—what time do you get to the beach at?" I replied through a yawn, ushering him in the door with my hand.

"How is that comfortable to sleep in?" Adam asked as he looked at my plunging v-neck tank top and booty shorts. "Don't you get a wedgie?"

I blinked at him several times as a embarrassed tingle crept up my spine and to my face. "I knew you'd be waking me up early, so I wanted to give you something to stare at."

Adam bit his lip and cocked his head. "I like that answer."

And I liked the way he was staring, but I shouldn't be thinking about that now. I threw my hands up at him as I walked towards my bedroom. "Explain to me why you're here so early?"

He flopped on the couch, grabbing the remote as he answered, "We're driving to the Cape. It's like two hours away."

I turned as I reached my bedroom door. "We couldn't go to the lake?"

Adam's brows lowered over his eyes, cheeks dimpling as his lips rose up. "Really Riv?"

I heaved an exaggerated sigh as I went into my bedroom. "Give me thirty minutes."

"If you say so," Adam called back. His tone was sarcastic, but he knew well enough that I never took that long to get ready. He never really complained, although he always teased me about getting dolled up for a 'fashion show'. When I came back into the room twenty minutes later Adam was spread out on the couch watching music videos on the TV.

"Wow, it's a miracle," Adam said as he looked down at his watch, then back up at me. "Less than thirty minutes!"

I rolled my eyes at him and hit one of his bare feet. "Let's get going."

"Way to be a bossy boss," Adam said as he jumped off the couch and slipped his flip flops on. "It's going to be a long ride if you're going to be in a bad mood."

"I'm not in a bad mood," I snapped back, and Adam raised his eyebrows, mocking me.

"Not a morning person today then?"

"Since when are you a morning person?" I asked as I nudged him in the ribs.

"I went to bed early," he answered, looking down at me.

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