Chapter Thirteen

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I knew I had to be strong, but when Jesse sauntered into my office waving two tickets to the grand opening of Sincere, I wanted to launch myself out the window. I'd been there for the delivery of the marketing materials including three oversized prints of Adam and me, but I'd left just as the interior designer began to rip the brown paper off of them.

I didn't want to see them again...or ever.

"You going?" Tara asked, nodding to the tickets on my desk as she flopped in the chair.

I looked up at her and sighed. "I don't really want to."

"Come on! It's going to be so cool—we never get to go to these things."

I nudged them towards her and grabbed the keys to my desk.

"You go then," I said as I locked up.

She shook her head. "I have class."

"That's a bitch," I replied, scooping up the tickets and shoving them in my purse.

"Besides, Jesse would totally be pissed if I showed instead of you," she said, cocking her head. "You deserve to go. There could be famous people there!"

I stood and grabbed my leather jacket off the coat rack. "This is Boston, not LA."

"There's still plenty of famous people here—doesn't Martha Stewart live somewhere around here?"

I blinked at her a few times, one arm stuck in my jacket as I stared at her. "I think that's Connecticut."

Tara rolled her shoulders. "Whatevs."

"Get out of my office!" I ordered as I slipped the remainder of the jacket on.

"You're such a b-i-t-c-h," Tara teased as she walked out in front of me.

"Watch it," I said, nodding to the plaque on my door. "I'm big time now."

"Make sure you wear something sexy to that thing, you could meet Adam Levine there." Tara winked, and I looked at the ceiling.

The only Adam I wanted was the one holding me like he loved me in the photographs that would taunt me tonight.

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