Chapter Fifty One

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Sometimes moments in life are so perfect you want to freeze frame them; capture them within your soul forever so they never fade away—they burn themselves into your being until they're a part of who you are. Waking up in Adam's arms was always one of those things, but another one was waking up to hear Bobby's snores in the next room over. I smiled to myself as I moved slowly out of the bed and opened our bedroom door to see Bobby hanging off the couch with Tara cuddled over him with a blanket that could only cover her. Bobby's face was nuzzled into Tara's curls, which as always, were frizzing out of her messy bun.

"They do make a cute couple," Adam said as he tucked his chin into my collarbone.

"Yeah, they do," I replied, leaning my head back into him. "This is nice."

"It's about to get even nicer," Adam said as he let go of me and went to the couch.

"Don't!" I hissed as he knelt down. "He'll kick you in the face!"

Adam looked over at me and winked.

"Something you don't know that I do..." he said as he began to tickle the ball of Bobby's foot.

" wanna sleep more," Bobby mumbled as his foot twitched.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at Adam's self-satisfied grin.

"I wanna sleep," Bobby repeated as Adam tickled him once more. "Mommy...Cut the shit, Adam!"

Bobby shot up, jostling Tara who whined in reaction, but somehow stayed asleep.

"What did you have to do that for?" Bobby asked.

Adam was rolling on the floor laughing, and I was tearing up because I was laughing so much.

"Mommy—" Adam mimicked; "I wanna sleep!"

"Shove it, cowlick!" Bobby shot back, using Adam's pet name from the hair issue he'd cleverly turned into his hair just being tousled.

"Not everyone can have flowing golden locks," Adam said as he finally calmed his laughing and stood.

Bobby rolled his eyes and flopped back down.

I came to the edge of the couch and peered down at him. "Explain the tickling?"

Bobby cracked one eye open and looked up at me. "Mom used to wake me up every morning by tickling my feet."

"Aww!" I said, reaching down and pinching his cheeks. "You're such a Momma's boy!"

"You still have a night light?" Bobby asked with narrow eyes.

"No," Adam called from the kitchen. "She's not afraid of the dark anymore. She has me to protect her!"

"Gag," Tara mumbled into Bobby's chest as she pulled her eyes open.

"You're telling me," Bobby said.

"Speaking of Mom, how did you get her to let you off early enough to come back home anyways?" Adam asked as he came back in the living room and pulled me onto the recliner with him.

"You're done cooking already?" Bobby frowned, avoiding the question.

"Cinnamon Buns. Now answer the question," he replied.


"You lied to Mom?" Adam repeated.

"Said we had to go to Tara's parents...when we'd already gone on Christmas Eve." Bobby turned his palms up, readjusting himself in the chair as Tara snuggled into his arms.

"Tricky!" I said as Adam pulled a blanket over us.

"Too bad you can't use that excuse for New Year's," Adam said.

Bobby frowned. "Yeah, I'll never get out of that unless I get disowned."

I felt Adam's hands turn into fists on my stomach at the last word; after all, that's what happened to us. Bobby's eyes darted across my face.

"Riv," he began, and I shook my head. He sighed and looked down at the rug beneath the coffee table.

"The cinnamon buns aren't the crappy ones in the tube, either. Adam made them by hand yesterday and let them settle over night." I changed the subject to something I knew we could all agree on—Adam's cooking.

"I'm going to need to work out every day for the rest of my life after this week," Bobby said, but his stomach gurgled and he smirked.

"You already do, Babe," Tara reminded him.

"Not today," Bobby said with a yawn. "Your couch sucks, no offense."

"Gee, there wasn't a bed only twenty feet away custom made for your jolly green giant frame?" I asked.

Bobby looked down at Tara. "I didn't want to wake Tara."

Tara and I both looked at each other before giving Bobby an incredulous look.

"She could sleep through a hurricane!" I burst out.

"It's true," Tara agreed.

"I was loaded down with eggnog toast," Bobby found another excuse that only resulted in more eye rolls.

The truth was it didn't matter what made them stay. It was truly amazing to wake up with all the people I cared about most there—even if one was snoring loud enough to wake up the whole building.

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