Chapter Thirty Three

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Despite whatever Bobby thought might be going on with Adam and I, he didn't mention anything when we went bowling the next day. He didn't even mention it when our date continued over pizza. We talked about work and hockey—about the competition he was going up against this season with his team, but never once did we talk about Adam, and for once I was glad about it. I knew he'd be suspicious, and I wasn't sure if I could lie to his face. What should have concerned me was his lack of talking about his girlfriend. In the past I never found it unusual that he only mentioned them when they pissed him off, but I should have realized far before that there were other reasons he never brought them up. I smiled up at him as we stood at my apartment door after the night was over.

"This was nice," Bobby said into my ear as he lowered his body towards mine, and my arms went around his shoulders naturally.

"It really was," I said, and my face felt warm as I smiled into his shoulder. "I always miss you when hockey season gets into the swing of things."

"You could come with me," he said, his nose tucked into my hair.

I pulled away slowly, my hands falling onto his biceps. I was thrust into the reality of exactly why he never mentioned his girlfriends.

Me... it was always me.

"What about Tara?" I asked, and I could feel my throat thickening as I waited for his response. One second felt like a minute as we stared at one another. Somehow we were back at square one. My heart was pattering out of control, because the hope that Adam and I might actually be able to be a couple in public was quickly drifting away.

Bobby looked down at me, and his chest rose as he let a deep breath out. "She's great..."

The warmth in my face turned from comfortable to flaming as I pushed myself out of his arms. "Oh, no you don't! Don't give me a but at the end of that sentence."

Bobby gave me one of those Beckerson Boy smiles; the one that made it so they could never do any wrong in any girl's eyes. Except mine— I'd known them long enough to know better. That smile meant one thing—trouble.

"Night, River." He ignored my question as he leaned down, taking my chin in his hand and kissing my cheek.

"Bobby!" I yelled at his back as he opened his apartment door in two steps.

He looked over his shoulder and winked, sending the pattering of my heart to a complete stand still as I swore at him in my head. Then I saw Adam sitting on the couch behind him. His jaw was in a taut line as he stared at the TV, which I knew he wasn't watching. He looked over at me, and his brown eyes accused me of betraying him. I shook my head at both of them as Bobby closed the door.

I stood there for a moment as I tried to collect my thoughts. Adam had obviously been watching and gotten the wrong impression from the situation. I'd never known him to be jealous, especially not of any one I hung out with, but his eyes showed something different now. The thing that bothered me the most was the lack of trust I saw there.

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