Chapter Thirty Four

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I looked up at the brick school building Adam worked in and took a deep breath before stepping out of my car. The building was set in a suburb of Boston, one of those ritzy areas where all you saw were Lexus' and Infinitys. I knew Adam felt out of place when the kids had more expensive clothes than him, but the parents did treat him right. They respected him despite his somewhat rebellious appearance, and I guessed they kind of expected that out of the music teacher. The kids really loved him, and he loved them too. I smiled at the thought as I made my way up the cobblestone steps, past the rose garden and fountain to the front door. I grabbed its oversized handle and tugged it to find the secretary behind a wall of glass smiling at me.

"River?" she asked, and I nodded with a confused expression. "Adam has a few pictures of you on his desk."

"Ah," I said with a nod. "So would I be able to come in?"

"Sure thing, you just need to sign in here." She pointed at the clipboard that barely fit out the hole she passed it through.

I passed it back, and she slid me a badge.

"Keep this on your person at all times. You'll need to return it before you leave," she said as she buzzed me in the door.

"Of course," I said as I slid the lanyard over my head. "What room?"

"212. Go up the stairs, third door on the right," she answered.

I nodded and headed in the direction she instructed. It was eerie how quiet it was, and I felt the whole school could hear my heels clinking against the marble floor. When I got to door 212 it was covered in musical notes and symbols I never bothered to learn. I only ever memorized the chords Adam taught me and never actually bothered to learn how to read the sheet music. I looked through the wired pane of glass to see Adam's back facing me. He was sitting on a chair with a keyboard in front of him as he moved his arms to whatever he was explaining. The children sat on various bean bags on the floor, chins in their hands as they listened in rapt attention. I wanted to stay there and watch him teach without him knowing I was there, but I knew eventually one of the children would notice. I raised my hand and tapped on the door—another loud noise against the silent hallway.

Adam looked over his shoulder with a surprised expression that instantly turned into a wide smile. He held up one finger to his class and headed towards me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked as he opened the door.

"What? A girl can't visit her boyfriend at work?" I asked, as I tilted my head and looked at him through my lashes.

"I just wasn't expecting you," he said as he looked passed me down the hall; anywhere to avoid looking at me.

I moved from foot to foot as I stared up at him. "I wanted to come see you and make sure you were okay."

"Why wouldn't I be?" he asked, and his eyes went down to his feet.

"You gave me a death stare last night."

Finally, his gaze rose to mine. "I saw Bobby hugging you, and I know him...he wasn't being Friendly-Bobby he was being I-Love-River-Bobby."

He was correct about the way Bobby was acting, and it had pissed me off too. But just like I knew to expect it, Adam should too. The feelings weren't mutual, another thing Adam should know.

"And what was I being?" I asked.

"Best-Friend-River," he replied as he adjusted his vest buttons and his gaze drifted away from me again.

I sighed and that brought his attention back up to my face. "And you were being Jealous-Boyfriend-Adam, who I didn't even know existed!"

A small smile twitched across his face. "I didn't know he did either," he answered.

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