Chapter Twenty One

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Bobby warned me when Adam showed up a few days later with yet another girlfriend. The whole thing really was my fault, or so I told myself. Adam had seen Andy and me together when he thought we broken up, and he went out and found himself another big boobed bimbo. At least that's what I was blaming it on. Andy's sweetness had worn off, and he'd gone back to being pushy and egotistical after only a handful more dates—apparently his 'waiting' meant three dates. Still, I was glad I hadn't had the heart to break it off with Andy when I saw Adam with her. I knew the second I saw her I was going to hate her with every inch of my being.

Everything about her made my skin crawl.

"River, this is my..." Adam began when we met in the hallway of the apartment building.

"Girlfriend," the chick finished, sticking her hand out. "Monica."

I was completely caught off guard by the girl, and only just managed to choke out a Nice to meet you as I stared down at her petite, barely five foot frame, and the fakest set of breasts I'd ever seen.

Her almond-shaped eyes matched the blackness of her sheet of straight hair. She was the exact opposite of me in every way, including her milky white skin. The red lip stick she managed to smear across Adam's lips only washed her out and sent my imagination into a tailspin. His lips on hers made me want to yank her hair out. I hated her more than his typical girlfriends—maybe it was because before when I looked at Adam's lips I only imagined them against mine, and now I didn't need to imagine it...only remember.

"Are you going to come to the party tonight?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes at me and pulling me out of my self-recrimination.

"Bobby told me about it last night—Andy thought it'd be a good idea," I said with a shrug. I watched as Adam cringed at Andy's name.

That's right, buddy, cringe.

"Andy?" she asked, cocking her head and twirling a silken piece of her midnight hair.

"My boyfriend," I replied.

I watched as the twirling stopped and her smile vanished. She must have thought I was single and mopping over her recent acquirement of Adam.

"That's so nifty! Bobby's bringing Jackie, too," Monica said.

I looked at Adam and mouthed the word nifty. Adam tilted on his heels and scratched his ear.

"I thought Bobby broke up with Jackie?" I asked, watching as Adam's face turned red.

"Well, they are totes back together. Jackie and I work together," Monica said.

Her lingo was ridiculous, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at her.

She narrowed her eyes at me and titled her head. "You know what? Jackie kind of looks a lot like you...except she's blonde."

I watched as Adam blinked his eyes in shock.

"Doesn't she?" Monica asked him.

"Yeah," Adam began, rubbing his scruff; "a bit."

"Any who—can't wait to meet your Andy."

I couldn't bit my tongue. "I don't own him."

She shrugged at me as her lips tugged up. She seemed to know that idea irked me. She turned to Adam and smiled, sugar sweet. "Ready to go, Boo?"

Adam swallowed and his eyes were hard and vacant.

He did not like being called that.

"Sure." He still answered to it, though.

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