Chapter Twenty Four

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I tried to slow my breathing as I closed the door to my apartment Monday morning. I'd only left the apartment with Bobby and Tara for coffee to save my head, but the rest of the time I sat looking through photo albums and questioning my actions on Friday night. The worst part was Adam hadn't made any attempt at talking to me.

I felt eyes on me, but when I turned Adam was already half way down the stairs. I watched his back fade and then listened for the sound of the door opening and closing. The tears were already coming heavily down my face, and although I wanted to turn back into my apartment and bury my head in my pillow, I didn't. I marched down the stairs and out to my car and went to work. I acted like nothing was wrong. When, in fact, everything was wrong.

"Hey," Jesse said from behind me as I stared at my computer screen without seeing.

He came around my desk and sat in one of the chairs, crossing his legs and propping his arms up.

"What's up?" I asked, my voice trembling.

Jesse frowned at me. "You okay there?"

I swallowed, pushing my bangs out of my eyes. "Yeah, why?"

Jesse shook his head at me. "I just wanted to check on the branding for the Marquee?"

"I'm running with this idea," I replied, opening a folder and spreading a few images out. "I like the abstract feel. It's nice and modern, and here are the models I've called in for the shoot."

Jesse ran his eyes over the pictures. "Looks great—I'd like to see some bold colors surrounded by black and whites."

"Will do," I replied as I shuffled the papers and placed them back in their project folder. I couldn't help the flat tone in my voice. Normally, I would be excited for a photo shoot and another branding project, but now everything felt so wrong. It felt like something inside of me had clicked and then fallen away when Adam ignored me.

"You sure you're okay?" Jesse asked, cocking his head at me.


"Does this have something to do with the brothers that are both head over heels for you?"

I found myself scoffing, and I had a feeling the look on my face wasn't all that attractive. I couldn't help it. I wanted to cry or punch a wall to stop the racing in my head, but I couldn't do either.

"So it does," Jesse replied.

I shook my head, and he pursed his lips at me in disbelief.

Change the subject.

"Bobby and Tara are dating," I finally replied.

"The big one, right?" Jesse acknowledged.

I nodded.

"You're in love with the other one anyways, so...?"

"I told you, I don't think he's in love with me!" I said before putting my head in my hands in shame. "Sorry, Jesse. It's just a bad topic right now."

I closed my eyes ad pressed my hands against the desk, and when I opened them Jesse leaned forward to place his hands over mine. He never touched anyone, and I was usually very fond of my personal space, but instead of pulling away I looked up and waited for his explanation.

I need some sort of explanation for Adam's actions.

"Listen, River, guys are weird creatures. You've known Adam your whole life, right?" he asked, and I nodded. "Things change in a moment's time, and we can't control it. If he's been in denial as long as you've been head over heels for him, this is not going to be easy for him. He's a player—when you already are one, it's hard to think you can stop being one even for that perfect person."

I looked down at his wedding band. "You speak from experience?"

He stood, winking at me. "You know it!"

"Jesse?" I asked as I turned in my chair, facing him as he stood at the door.

He nodded, and I asked, "Should I trust him?"

Jesse smiled down at me, light eyes shining against the dark suit he was wearing. "I think you already know the answer to that question."

"Then why hasn't he spoken to me since..."

"He's still stuck on the fact that it even happened," Jesse answered.

"So am I," I said to myself.

"He'll come around," Jesse said as he turned out and walked away. "Don't forget bold colors and black and whites!"

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