4: You Ain't Right

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"What's the time?" I mumbled, leaving a trail of kisses on Jermaine's bare chest. We'd been in bed all morning—last nights make up sex turned into a good morning session. I could just feel it, this was gonna be one of those days where we couldn't keep our hands off each other. I was just about ready to lay in bed with him all day.

"Maybe if you get your big head off me, I could tell you." He mumbled with a slight chuckle and I lifted my head off of him, allowing him to reach for his phone.

"My head's only big cuz I have a big brain," I mumbled with a pout and he leant in and kissed my forehead.

"11:50," he said before stretching a lil. "and nah, you just got a big head."

"Go fuck yourself—" I sat up, throwing a pillow at him, he was always teasin me about my damn big head.

"Why would I need to do that--? You doin an amazing job at that for me," he let out a bellowed laugh. He was happy—riding off his post-sex high, I loved this Jermaine.

"Whatever Cole," I rolled my eyes and laid back on him. "where's your child today? She hasn't barged in our room yet I'm worried," I mumbled feeling his chest heave as he breathed slowly.

"She woke up at 7 this morning, I switched on the tv for her and gave her some snacks cause I was planning to come back and make love to you." He said with a shrug.

"Oh so you planned this all along?"

"Yup I did and you loved it babygirl," he gave me a light squeeze.

"I'm gonna miss you..." I said with a yawn, it kind of just slipped. "I wish you didn't have to tour."

"Shhh baby we not talking bout that now—plus, it's Saturday, I told Ib I'm not tryna hear about the tour or anything work related today I'm just trying to kick it, I been working like crazy these past few months."

Which was true, Jermaine and I barely ever had the weekends to ourselves; at this point Lex spent most of her weekends with Leish and Riley if Jay and I were both working but we'd both decided to spend some time together this weekend.



After taking a shower and messing around some more with Tess and finally getting dressed we left our room and went to Lex's and she wasn't in there. I walked downstairs, with Tess close behind me and her arms wrapped around my waist. She always got needy after we fucked—it was cute as shit though and I wasn't gonna stop her.

We found Lex sitting on the floor in the hallway playing with Biggie and she smiled before looking up at us. "Hi mommy and daddy wook!! Biggie is doin some tricks--!" she was all excited. We were trying to train him and it was taking a minute but she loved playing with that dog.

After ordering takeout for lunch we basically spent all day in the living room watching Lex jump around and sing and dance to all the Frozen songs—I'd had enough of that damn movie.

"Baby, I'ma need you to stop doing that," I mumbled to Tess who was laying in my lap and she kept rubbin her hand up and down my junk through my sweatpants.

"You do it to me all the time," she mumbled with her eyes fixed on the tv screen—literally Lex just had to turn around and catch this foolish behaviour.

"You ain't right for this Tess," I mumbled lowly, give it two seconds and she was gon have my shit hard. She plays too damn much.

"You stay doing this when we're at dinner with people," she giggled a little, "you did it with my mom across the table—you good. I'm barely doing anything." She said as she continued to rub me up and down.

"Come on now, you can't be doin this with my daughter in the room—" I tried to move her hand away and she just laughed like it was hilarious—I swear if Alexia wasn't so fixated on the tv screen she would've turned around by now.

"Calm down," she said busting out in laughter. Soon enough, Alexia did turn around asking us if she could have a snack. So I did as any man in my position would and grabbed a pillow to cover myself up a bit.

Tess laughed hysterically as she stood up and carried her to the kitchen. "Sure thing baby—I'm not giving you cookies though cause you already some earlier... I can make you a sandwhich,"

"WASH YA HANDS BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY SANDWHICH—" I yelled to her from the couch.

"Lex tell your dad to deal with his situation before he yells at anyone--!" she said just as loud probably confusing the shit out of my young and impressionable daughter. Tess was so damn inappropriate. 

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