23: Studio?

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It was almost 5 in the morning when I came in the house. I presumed everyone had gone to bed and made my way upstairs and to the bedroom. I took off my jacket and shoes before meeting eyes with Tess who was sitting up in the bed on her phone. She hadn't been sleeping much lately.

"Hey baby wassup?" I mumbled before walking towards her. I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"How was the studio?" she asked.

"It was good.... We wrapped up one of the songs for the albu—"

"Don't." she interrupted me.

I frowned at her confused.

"Don't you fucking dare lie to me right now Jermaine,"

"Okay okay okay I'm sorry baby,"

"You're sorry?? Get the fuck out..."

I looked at her and blinked.

"Get out of my fucking room—you're such trash—" she never once raised her voice at me, which scared me.

I sighed before exiting our bedroom and going down the hall to the guest room. I fucked up, I guess. She'll get over it though.


I woke up the next morning and took a shower in the guest bath before going back to my room. I tried to open the door and it was locked.

"Baby, let me in—" I said.

She didn't reply.



"Can I atleast get my clothes damn—"

"You can pick up your clothes from the strip club you were at last night," she mumbled.

"Baby come on," I sighed and she ignored me again. I shook my head and went to the laundry room to look for some sweatpants and a hoodie to throw on. I then made my way downstairs where Dondria was in the kitchen with Lex making breakfast.

"Good morning y'all," I yawned as I sat by the bar stool.

"Mownin daddy," Lex smiled sweetly and waved at me. "we makin pancakes wiff chocolate chips in them-"

"Oooh that sounds so good baby girl I cant wait,"

We proceeded to eat and Tess didn't join us. After some time, Dondria left out to go to her room and I was sitting with Lex, while I was on my laptop she was watching some cartoons on her ipad. I got distracted when Tess walked into the kitchen and helped herself to some food.

"Hey, you good?" I asked her only to get ignored.

"Hey girlll how was ya day?" Alexia grinned looking up at her mother who kissed her forehead.

"Hi baby.... Who you callin girl?" she smirked.

"You mommy..." she giggled. "me and Don made some pancakes before— dere's sum for you too,"

"Thank you sweetie," she smiled as she warmed up her plate.

"Lex you wanna come to work with me today?" she asked her and she nodded.

"Can we have candy after? Or some ice cwream??"

"We'll see," she told her.

"Is daddy coming too??" she looked at me and then back up at Tess.

"I'd love to," I said.

"No he's not coming." Tess turned away and began to dig in.

Damn. She was really mad.



I took Lex with me down to the office to go over a few things regarding some of my artists before I headed over to Zoe's house. I was hungry and all she ever had was fucking vegan food. Guess me and Lex were gonna pass by mcdonalds after this. Lex had run off somewhere to play with Zoe's cat while we sat in the living room.

"I fucking hate him who the fuck leaves their pregnant girl at home to go to the strip club? I don't even care that he went but why the fuck would he lie—"

"Wait pregnant????" Zoe frowned.

"Yeah, we were gonna do a cute reveal next week..." I mumbled.

"AW OMG—this one better be a boy wow this is so exciting," she hugged me and I rested with my head in her lap.

"Zee... he fucking lied and said he was going to the studio then I get pictures of him at the fucking strip club making it rain on basic hoes—"

"But do you have an issue with him going?" she asked.

"No I don't care if he goes to the strip club... we go together sometimes—my one rule is no private dances and not to be in situations that are unexplainable..." I frowned.

"Has he apologized?" she asked. "Or explained himself,"

"No I kicked his ass out our room I'm not trying to talk to him." I said.

"Well you can stay over here if you want and I'll go down to your house and kick his ass—"

I couldn't help but laugh when she said that.

"Okay Solange I hear you,"

"No forreal... why is he like this? He pisses me off so much—"

"I'm just so over it, I can't deal with this kind of behaviour while I'm carrying his child Zoe I can't do it."

"I know I know," she rubbed my back. "You guys will figure it out though, you always do..."


Just wanted to add a little drama :) :) :)  I'll probably update again tonight also I got Cole tickets today I'm excited yall probably don't care lmao

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