33: You Got Served

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I'd been back from my trip to LA for a couple days now. Getting out there was perfect cause I was able to really distract myself from the stress that was back home. Plus, it was great to hop on stage with the Dreamville crew and show Cali what was up—when I ain't on tour I normally really be in hiding so I was glad I got to interact and see my fans too that shit was always fun.

It was a weekday, so Lex was in school and Tess was busy with work; shit she was probably in the studio that's where she'd been spending most of her time lately. So, I was running daddy day care for the day. Aaliyah was only two so we ain't want her in daycare everyday of the week she was still too young so she would just kick it with either her mom or I.

I smiled to myself as I read the note that Tess had left on the kitchen counter before she left this morning.

hey baby daddy!

there's pancakes and waffles if yall wanna have breakfast before you leave and I left some of my special brownies

take care of my baby girl & have a good day



Tess was cute as shit with this stuff. I couldn't ever complain though she did what she had to do to hold this family down and take care of us. I picked up Liyah who was already running around all over the kitchen I don't know where she got all this energy from.

"Aye, you hungry baby?" I kissed her cheek and she wrapped her tiny hands around my neck.

She nodded. This child was always hungry, just like her damn mama. I got her breakfast together before getting her dressed for the day so we could head out to the office.


While I sat in some meetings, Camille kindly watched Aaliyah in her office. All we really had to do is give her some donuts and an ipad to watch her cartoons and she wasn't about to bother anyone.

We'd just had a meeting about record deals and distributions and for our artists this month... Ib basically dealt with all that and I trusted him so the meetings never really lasted too long. Once we wrapped the meeting up I was in my office with Ib just talking about life. He was my homie before all this work shit so we could check in with each other regularly.

"So you ain't told her?" He asked me, shaking his head.

"Nah... she'll find out when she gets served with the papers." I shrugged, not gonna lie I wasn't too pressed about it.

"Nigga you ruthless you couldn't even send her a text like I'm taking you to court—" he let out a bellowed laugh.

"Nah she always crossing a line with Tess but the final fuckin straw was when she wanna start feeding my son lies and manipulating situations so she can move him far as hell.. she ain't about to do all that,"

"Yeah you right I guess bruh," he nodded, in agreement. "Brandy been wild since back in the day but I ain't never expect her to do some shit like that."

"This is your fault bro—you was all in my ear that tour talkin about 'Cole if you don't smash, I will'," I kissed my teeth mocking his voice.

"Nigga I don't sound like that... and you was gon listen if I told you to jump off a bridge?"

I flipped him off, "get out my office man," I laughed and he dapped me up before heading out.

It'd been a couple hours and I was busy working on emails and Liyah was sleep on my couch. She looked so peaceful; I was about to head home with her anyway. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and sighed once I saw it was Brandy texting me.

Christian's mother (new number) 16:04pm


I knew she'd be mad, but at this point I didn't care really; my son is what came first. I simply responded before putting my phone away again.

Christian's mother (new number) 16:07pm
u lucky i aint file for sole custody

i don't play when it comes to my son brandy you not about to play one of your lil games this time




I'd had a long ass day and after picking up Lex from her ballet class we headed home, I wasn't expecting Jermaine to be home cause he said he'd be at the office with Aaliyah all day so I was surprised when we got home and he was in the kitchen, making us dinner.

"Has hell frozen over?" I asked, entering the kitchen and picking up my youngest daughter and kissing her cheek.

"Tess don't make me use words I ain't supposed to use in front of my children," he chuckled.

I walked over with Liyah on my hip still and pecked him. "I'm messing baby... what you making?"

"Spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread it's almost done you're gonna love it—" he went back to mixing his sauce.

Lex then came running in the kitchen screaming doing the most like she always does.

"Ayeee how's my superstar ballerina?" Cole asked her

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"Ayeee how's my superstar ballerina?" Cole asked her.

"I'm good daddy I had too much fun in my dance class today—" she responded with a grin.

"Oh word? That's good mama..." he smiled, just watching her as she danced around the kitchen. "you gon get dizzy if you keep spinning around like that girl,"

"Nah uhhhh daddy I can do it super super super super fastttttttt—"

"Stubborn just like your mama," Cole mumbled under his breathe.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" I asked as I set Aaliyah down and she started playing with her older sister.

"Woman you heard me," he smirked.

"Keep playing Jermaine you'll get yourself hit," I smacked his ass.

"What I tell you about doing that?" he raised an eyebrow.

"That you love it," I smirked as I walked past him to begin setting the table.

"Daddddddy when can  Aawiyah come with me to dance?" Lex practically screamed. I swear she didn't know what an inside voice was.

"When she's a little older baby," Cole told her ever so calmly.

"Lex please use your inside voice," I frowned.

"sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Liyah told her and they both started giggling. I shook my head and got them together before we could all sit down and eat. To think it was only Tuesday and my ass was out. It was about to be a long week.


I hope yall are liking the chapters and the consistency?????

Let me know if you want me to post any wedding/honeymoon/baby flashbacks from the two year jump!

AND I'm thinking of starting a new book with beyonce and cole would yall read it????

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