27: I'm Not Soft

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"I'm going to fucking kill her—" Tess said, she was pacing up and down our bedroom. Mike had seen her talking to Brandy and told me to check on her and I swiftly brought her to our room to calm down before she did or said anything out of character.

"Baby calm down," I told her as I hugged her. "breathe.... Talk to me,"

"Jermaine," she said lowly which scared the fuck out of me, "I'm gonna ask you this one time.... Is that lil boy your son?"

"What the fuc--??" I shook my head, "why are you asking me that?? Is that what she said?"

"When is the last time you hooked up with her and don't you dare lie to me," a pool of tears formed behind her eyes and I pulled her close. "DON'T fucking touch me—" she backed off.

"It was years ago," I told her reassuringly.

"....did you hit it raw when you were with her?"

I sighed. Honestly, I didn't remember. I was in a really bad place and I was hooking up with a lot of girls—shit was a long time ago I don't remember every sexual encounter I had while Tess and I were on our break and shit.

"I— I—" I scratched the back of my neck.

"Uh—uh—uh what nigga??" she mocked me, "now you don't speak English??" she swung an open palm at me ready to smack me. I caught her hand before looking at her crazy.

"Okay now that's what we not about to do." I told her sternly. "Calm the fuck down Tess,"

She stepped back and sat on the bed and looked at me trying to hold back her tears. "How the fuck are you so calm when you have an illegitimate baby out there??"

"Baby we don't know that... you said yourself that she came in here to start shit—we're gonna ask for a DNA test because she's lying—" I comforted Tess, but shit, I didn't even know the truth yet myself.

She sighed and calmed down before wiping her eyes. "I'm not about to be caught cryin like a lil bitch," she mumbled fixing her makeup.

I chuckled before kissing her forehead. "It's okay baby, we'll work it out..."

"I'm not soft—it's the fucking hormones—I'm not crying—"

"You good baby girl," I hugged her squeezing her before she calmed down and we were ready to join the party again.

We returned downstairs and everyone was still enjoying themselves and having a good time. Tess and I went back to her friends who wanted to hear 'all the tea' and she started explaining the conversation that went down between her and Brandy and I slipped away to find my boys.

Ib and them were all gathered around the meat—fucking fatasses. And I joined them, pouring myself a cup of brown liquor. Shit, I needed it. I kinda just sat back while they talked and over saw the entire room and then I noticed my moms and her boyfriend with Lex.

"Nooo I don't wanna eatttt Kay Kay—" I heard my daughter whining as she sat in my mom's lap.

"Are you being difficult Alexia?" I raised an eyebrow and she looked up at me and shook her head and let my mom feed her.

"Y'all have a beautiful home, Jermaine—" Derrick told me and just looked at him. I hated this nigga. I don't know why my mom was with him. I felt her stare at me so I had to respond politely.

"Thank you, I appreciate it.... Tess was actually in charge of all the interior designing—only thing I did was my man cave," I chuckled.

"Well you're a lucky man," he did one of those old ass grandpa like chuckles, you know the one. I smiled and nodded before turning my attention to my mom.

"Aye ma, you seen Brandy around?" I asked her.

"Yes, she left to go to the hotel... I don't know what's goin on with y'all but this was neither the time nor place for it—she's coming back tomorrow when we go to dinner,"

I kissed my teeth.

"Jermaine you need to handle this like adults do you hear me?"

"Yes ma'am," I mumbled.

Lex thought it was funny and laughed at my mom putting me in my place. "Do you hear me?" she giggled, mimicking my mother.

"Bye," I shook my head and walked off.



"Mamaaaa," I sounded like a toddler, as I came next to her and stole a piece of meat of her plate.

"Why you gotta do that? You so damn greedy—" she popped my hand.

"Oops," I shrugged. "did you see the whole house already?"

"Yes, and one of those stupid dogs almost killed me..." she mumbled.

"You're being dramatic mom—we have them safe and sound in the garage, not my fault you were snooping around the garage."

"Hm," she mumbled, focused on the food in front of her. "Where's my granddaughter?"

"I dunno, probably with Mama Kay right now," I looked around and couldn't see her.

"That white lady is always hogging my grandkid—"

My jaw dropped, "Momma you can't say that--!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Is it not true," she shrugged, "has she eaten? Have you even eaten you've been running around all night—"

"Everything's good ma, chill... enjoy the food... drink some wine..." I forced a smile, although I couldn't help but think of Brandy's dumb ass.

"You okay?" she asked me and I nodded. "You don't look okay.... And I know my child... Tess, tell me what's up," she frowned.

"Nothing ma, I swear—" I lied before kissing her cheek. "I'm gonna find Jermaine real quick and check on Lex."

It was starting to get cold and everyone had more or less gathered inside. We still had the champagne and cake to give out. I was sitting on the couch in my little sisters lap while my family and friends held conversations about whatever it was they were talking about I wasn't really paying attention. I looked up when I felt Jermaine's arm on my shoulder and he squeezed it then kissed my cheek.

"You good?" he asked me and I nodded.

"Where is she?" I asked him quietly.

"She left, don't worry about all that—" he kissed my temple. "you wanna do it now?" he asked and I nodded.

"AYE Y'ALL—" he said loudly until he had everyone's attention. His hand rested on my back as he spoke. "Tess and I just wanted to thank you all for coming out and seeing the house and celebrating with us... and we just wanna say we're so grateful to have all of you in our lives.... And there's something else we wanna share—Lex come here," he told her and she jumped off her uncles lap and ran up to Jermaine who whispered in her ear.

"WE'RE HAVIN A BA—I MEAN MY MOMMYS HAVIN--I'M GONNA BE A BIG SISTER!" she shook her head, stumbling on her words and yelled, announcing to the room and Dondria came from behind us with the cake, while her boyfriend held the cupcakes.  


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