8: Don't Be Catchin No Attitude

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"Yeah, I know I'm workin on it ma," I said into the phone as I wandered around the hotel room looking for my white socks. I'd just got out the shower and Tess said she ordered breakfast for all three of us.

"Jermaine we haven't seen you in ages..." my mother told me.

"I been workin," I sighed. "I'm coming out there for a show in two weeks though, so I'ma see you for sure then... you can even come through to the show, I got tickets for you and Zach."

"What about Derrick?" she asked me and I frowned. She'd been dating this guy for a minute and I hated his ass. Don't get me wrong, I loved my mama but she ain't have the best history with relationships, I didn't want her getting hurt again. I'd only met this nigga once but I wasn't feeling him.

"What about him, ma?" I kissed my teeth.

"Boy, you watch that attitude with me, I'm still your mother." She said in the voice she used to use when she beat the hell outta me for being disrespectful.

"Sorry—" I mumbled. "I gotta go though ma, I'll call you soon."

"Alright baby, I love you.... And bring me my granddaughter I miss her—" she said.

"Workin on it mama," I chuckled.

"Tell Tess I said hi and good luck with your shows," she said before we both hung up the phone and I made my way to the main room of the suite where my daughter and Tess were eating pancakes and fruit.

I smiled as I watched the two of them and kissed them both on the forehead. "Good morning,"

"Hi dadddddy!" Lex giggled as I sat down next to them.

"Aye baby girlllll, you look cute today—" I smiled lookin at how Tess had dressed her in a lil denim dress and had her hair up in them lil buns.

"Was that mama Kay?" Tess asked, looking over at me and I nodded. "Aw, I miss her—what she say?"

"That she wants to see us.... And she's tryna bring ole dude to my Raleigh show," I mumbled digging into my pancakes.

"Fix ya face, why you frowning like that?" Tess laughed.

"He ain't right for my mama, I'on like him," I shrugged.

"No one's ever been right for your mama according to you—" she shook her head before wiping some maple syrup off of Lex's face. "give him a chance baby, he might be a good guy."

"He ain't," I refused to hear it, shaking my head and thinking of the time we met him a few months back, when we went to the Ville for a week and my moms introduced us to him.


I was in the kitchen with my moms and Tess, while Lex was running around the house.... She had this new nigga Derrick coming over for dinner and she that was her new boyfriend. I really wasn't feelin it.

"Wait, so where did y'all meet?" Tess asked my mama as she was making the potato salad and my mom was taking shit out the oven.

"We met at church actually..." my moms couldn't stop smiling talking bout this dude. "He's a great guy—y'all are gonna love him."

"Doubt it," I mumbled, grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"Why you won't even give him a chance, Jermaine?" mama asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't think dating should be your focus right now... you got a lot goin on... bein' a grandma, the foundation...."

"I get lonely in this big old house by myself though, I need some companion."

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