30: I'm Coming With You

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I kept kissing my baby Aaliyah all over her face as we chilled out in the living room. Lex was busy playing with her dolls, and I'm sure Chris was either upstairs sleep or playing a video game... that kid took after his father so much. "Liyah who you love more? Mommy or daddy?" I asked playing with her little hands.

She poked her head up, turning around to the door. "Da da???!!!" I looked up as he came in smiling like he was really proud of himself. Liyah started jumping up and down in my lap excited as she'd seen her father coming towards her.

"That's my baby girl," he said as he picked her up. I up downed him and bit my lip. He had on black jeans, sneakers and Dreamville bomber jacket. He looked good. "Why you left me in the bed this morning?" he asked me as he sat down next to me with Aaliyah in his lap.

"Where you going dressed like that?"

"Why you answerin a question with a question?"

"Why you wanna piss me off today?" I frowned.

He shrugged at me, amused and then continued to play with our daughter. I sighed and shook my head at him, "I left you in the bed cause you were sleeping and your daughters needed to be fed,"

"I gave Lex cereal this morning though," he said. "Before I went back to bed..."

"She eats a lot,"

"She takes after you," he said smirking and I put my hand up to smack him playfully.

"Dwon tousssh him--" Liyah said putting her tiny hand up at me.

"Excuse me? That's my husband I'll touch him if I want to," I laughed.

She hugged him tightly and shook her head at me, "Das my daddy... dwon twalk to him,"

"You don't talk to him that's my man!" I told her.

"Dwon twalk to him," she repeated.

"I'ma beat your ass..." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Ima beassh yo ass too..." she responded, causing Jermaine and I to both bust out laughing. I don't know who this baby thought she was but I'd be lying if I said she didn't run shit in this household because she does.

"Aye don't talk to your mama like that," Cole tried to say seriously as he came down from his laugh. She ignored him and had her eyes glued to the tv in front of her. I checked my phone and saw a text from my mom just checking in on us and seeing how we're doing.

"Y'all look up so I can send my mom a picture," they both looked at the camera making faces before I took the picture and sent it off.

(use your imagination and pretend its cole in the pic okkkkk)

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(use your imagination and pretend its cole in the pic okkkkk)

I smiled down at the picture before I sent it to my mom and Jermaine let Liyah down and she was running around the room in circles. "C'mere," he told me. "I ain't seen you since you left me this morning,"

I crawled over to him and rested in his chest, "not my fault you fell back asleep... what you doing today?" I asked as I played with his fingers.

"I'm meeting with Brandy in a bit... she wants to talk so she made reservations at some place for lunch," he sighed and I pulled back to look up at him.

"Talk about Chris?" I frowned and he shrugged, "Why can't y'all talk here? Or on the phone? Why she gotta make reservations and everything? Go talk in Burger King—"

"Baby chill..." he laughed, "I'm sure it's about Chris,"



Just as I was ready to leave, Tess came down the stairs dressed for the day. "Where you going?" I asked her. "And who's gonna watch the kids?"

"I'm coming with you," She shrugged. "Leish is gonna be here in five minutes to watch the kids." She grabbed her purse and threw her phone in it and I just stood there watching her. "Is there a problem?"

I scoffed, "You don't trust me to sit down and have a discussion with the mother of my son?"

"I don't trust her... she's always on some bullshit— and if it's about Chris I'm a part of his life too why can't I be there for the conversation?"

"Aight Tess whatever, hurry up though." I said and we were soon on our way as soon as Aleisha showed up at the house. It wasn't that much of a long drive but we pulled up at this Italian restaurant that Brandy had found and were shown to the table she reserved. By looking at Tess I could tell she was displeased but she didn't say anything. She sat on her phone as we waited for Brandy to arrive.

"Sorry I'm late, sorry I'm late—" she said as she sat down and her face kind of changed when she saw Tess

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"Sorry I'm late, sorry I'm late—" she said as she sat down and her face kind of changed when she saw Tess. "Oh I thought it was gonna be just me and Jermaine,"

"Well you thought wrong—" Tess started.

I squeezed her leg under the table, "Tess is my wife and Christian's stepmother... anything you want to say about our son you can say in front of her.."

"Well I wanted to talk about him among other things..." she trailed off.

"What other things?" Tess challenged and I could see she was getting heated. I rubbed her thigh, trying to calm her down a little bit.

"Never mind," Brandy said with a smile. 

"See I knew when I saw you the other night you were on some fake shit... man I can't stand this bitch—" Tess popped.

I don't know what she was talking about because all she'd told me was that they'd run into each other at the club.

"You're gonna let her call the mother of your first child a bitch?" Brandy raised her eyebrow at me.

"See there you go with that shit 'tHe mOtHeR oF yOUr fiRST sOn' miss me with that... I called you a bitch because that's what you are."

"Sis watch your words now—"

"I am not your sis, I am not your friend, I personally want nothing to do with you. It's extremely unfortunate that you're even in my life."

"Well then why are you here??? I ain't ask you to come...I was just tryna have a conversation with my baby's father!"

"I'm here because you're a conniving snake and everything's a game to you,"

Brandy laughed bitterly, "if that's what you think,"

I sighed. "Aight enough." I finally said and they both looked at me. "None of this is about y'all or us, it's about the kids. We don't need none of this back and forth shit so can we talk about what we came here to discuss and if that's not our son then Tess and I are leaving."

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