26: Housewarming

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The housewarming party was in full swing and I was busy running around everything was going well. I'd just checked on the caterers and the guests we had in the living room. We'd invited quite a lot of people so a lot of them were outside in the backyard, we had music bumping and food everywhere—all our close friends and family were here.

I turned the corner in the hallway to meet Lex and her cousins and she was crying her eyes out while her older cousin, Brooke tried to comfort her. Immediately my mom instincts kicked and I ran over and picked her up.

"What happened???" I asked the kids and they all looked at me scared.

"We was just playing hide and seek auntie and when she was running she tripped over and then fell," my niece and I looked back at Lex who wouldn't stop wailing.

"Don't run in the house, go outside if you're going to play those games." I kissed my teeth before heading back to the kitchen and setting my daughter on the counter. "Shhh it's okay baby.... Where does it hurt? Talk to me—"

"My KNEEEEEE—" she cried out and I lifted her leggings and noticed it was bruised. I grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and placed it on her knee before kissing her forehead.

"It's okay mama, you gotta be more careful okay?"

"Otay," she nodded while sniffling.

"What's going on in here?" Jermaine asked as he entered the kitchen.

"I fell daddy and it hurts so so so much—" she pouted as she wiped her eyes.

He came over and kissed her cheek and hugged her. "You want daddy to inspect it for you?" he asked her and she nodded. I lifted the ice pack and he pretended to examine her knee before turning to me exaggeratedly. "I don't know baby, I think it looks pretty bad—mommy you think we should take her to the hospital?"

"We could.... But then she'd miss out on the cake and ice cre—"

"You know what mommy and daddy im feelin sosososo much better!!" she interrupted before I could even finish.

"Okay good," I laughed before kissing her and picking her up, propping her on my hip. "you gotta be careful though baby you know you shouldn't be running in the house,"

"I'm sowwy," she pouted and I kissed her cheek once more.

"Tess I was actually looking for you to tell you something," Jermaine said as he scratched the back of his neck.


"Uh Brandy's here...."

"Brandy from the Ville????" I asked and he nodded. "Why the fuc—" I looked down at my daughter and sighed. "Why is she here? Who did she come with?"

"She came with my auntie and cousin baby I didn't know she was coming—I just saw them just now—"

"This girl always gotta ruin everything," I mumbled before setting Alexia down, "baby go find your friends and play," I told her and she ran off.

"Please don't let this ruin your night baby," Jermaine mumbled.

"How can it not ruin my night? This bitch stays popping up at the worst times and fucking everything up—we were about to make the announcement,"

He came over and held me by my waist trying to calm me down, "Aye we ain't seen her in years, she's probably not here to cause no drama..." he said before kissing my temple, "relax baby... I think shes really moved on—she came here with her son."

"She has a kid?" I frowned.

"Apparently so," he shrugged before kissing my forehead. "you good?"

I nodded, "she better find a hotel to stay at she's not staying here."

"Baby—" he began.

"I said what I said."


As time went on, I hadn't run into Brandy just yet and I was sitting with my girls outside just talking and eating. That's when she approached me looking completely overdressed for the occasion but I wouldn't put it past her to do the most as she always does. I rolled my eyes as she approached us and my girls immediately knew who she was.

"Hey Tess, how are you?" she smiled and leaned in as if she was going to hug me

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"Hey Tess, how are you?" she smiled and leaned in as if she was going to hug me. Aleisha and Zoe laughed next to me before walking off.

"Hi Brandy," I gave her the fakest smile.

"You and Cole have a lovely home, he introduced me to your daughter she's just adorable—y'all are cute out here big house, your lil family and shit... its cute," she smiled in the most condescending way and that's when I was ready to either smack her or kick her the hell out.

"Is that why you came down here?" I asked her confused.

She shrugged, "Just wanted to come by and see some old friends... so what's the deal with you and Cole? Word in the street is he hasn't wifed you up yet,"

"First of all Brandy, we're not friends—don't come at me like we're friends because I don't want to have to say or do something that'll have my mom and my man's mom looking at me crazy." I said to her lowly, "I don't know what your motive is or why the fuck you're here, but if you as much as try to start shit I'm throwing you out."

She smiled at me huge, "I don't know how Cole would feel about you throwing me out,"

"Don't worry about Cole sis, he's good. Now run along," I kissed my teeth at her.

"He wasn't good when he stepped out on you with me—and how many other girls?" she smirked. Lord, this girl was trying me. I sighed deeply before responding and a quite tall and scrawny light skinned boy ran up to her. He had to be about 7 or 8.

"Ma, the other kids are going to the movie room to watch a movie I'm gonna be in there okay?? Yo this house is so huuuge—" he was speaking really fast and she interrupted him.

"Alright baby go play with the other kids." She played with his hair and he walked off. I looked at the kid and then back at her.

"Chill Tess, I didn't come here to fight with you... I just want my son Christian to get to know some of this part of his family." She smiled.

"Of what family...? What the fuck do you mean by that?" I frowned.

"Well... my son is 8.... Do the math sis," she winked. 

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