18: A Nigga Wanna Be A Nigga

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I looked up in the rearview mirror at Lex and couldn't help but smile-- I saw so much of myself in her. Shit, she was my twin Tess used to hate that shit. But to make up for it she took on Tess' personality for the most part though. We'd been to the park and then got some donuts and I just let her have an ice cream. I felt bad for not being around much so I had to spoil her a bit.

"How's your ice cream baby girl?" I asked her and she had it all over her mouth.

"SoOooO yummy I love chocolate ice cream daddy," she grinned kicking her feet. "are we gonna go see unca Ib and auntie Nik?"

"Yeah just for a lil bit, you okay with that?"

"Uh huhhhhhh he said he was gonna give me candy last time," she nodded her head really fast.

We pulled up to Ib's and I carried her out of her carseat and held her up as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I let her ring the bell and Nikki came and opened for us. "Wassup Nik," I smiled as I came in.

"Hey Cole," she smiled before taking Lex from my arms. "Hey princess," she started tickling her sides a little bit.

"Hi auntie," Lex giggled and I entered the house like it was my own.

"AYO EL PRESIDENTE!" I called into the house and he yelled back that he was in the study. I left Lex to play with Nikki and found Ib sat at the desk in his office. His whole office had a dreamville theme, kinda like mine it was cool.

"Wassup my man?" he chuckled as he dapped me up and I sat down getting comfortable in his black leather couch.

"Nothin bruh just chillin," I spread my legs as I sunk into the seat.

"How was Florida?" he asked with a huge smirk on his face.

"Fuckin lit bruh... we got so much shit done—" I told him, "we basically wrapped up the mixtape... shits so good though I'm thinkin we just put it out as an album."

"Word," he nodded, "How's Tess? She pissed?"

"As fuuuuuuuck," I ran my hands over my face. "She handed my whole entire ass to me then stormed off. I might have to sleep in my mancave tonight."

He chuckled and shook his head, "I told you to just tell her where you at,"

I shrugged, "But a nigga wanna be a nigga,"

"Now look where that shit got you.." he was laughing at me.

"Fuck you man," I laughed scratching the back of my head. "What did you wanna talk about?"

"I got a huge offer... they want us out in South Africa,"

"Woo—South Africa? Shit, that's lit—"

"Yeah we gotta write up the contracts and shit, so I wanted to run it by you,"

I stopped and thought about it for a minute. Normally, I woulda just said yes immediately but I had my family to think about. I'd just got home and me and Tess weren't in the best place either.... Lord knows I wanted to go so bad though.

"Lemme think about it and figure shit out with Tess and I'll let you know..."

"How are you and Tess doin by the way?"

"We seen better days," I chuckled. "Naw we just have some shit to work on you know," I said with a shrug and he nodded understandingly."



It'd been a couple hours and I came downstairs and it was empty. I'd seen Don studying in her room—we'd turned one of the guest rooms into her bedroom and it was just easier for nights when she didn't wanna go back to campus she'd just stay over. I was hungry as shit though.

I made it to the kitchen and found a hand written note on the counter.

Took Lex to the park, be back later.
Love, J

I rolled my eyes at the 'Love, J' before I crumpled it up and threw it in the bin. I opened the fridge tryna find something to eat. If Jermaine took Lex out he was probably gonna feed her too, so I was just gonna whip up something quick to eat.

I decided to put a pizza in the oven from the freezer and sat at the counter on my phone waiting for it to get ready. I heard the front door open and Lex came running in. "Mommmmmmmmmmy!" she ran up to me and hugged my legs tight.

"Hey baby girl, wassup?"

"Nuffin I just had so much fun with daddy," she was jumping up and down.

I picked her up and kissed her cheek, "Oh you did? What'd yall do?"

"It's a secrettttttt," she giggled.

"Oh he told you not to tell me?" I raised and eyebrow and she hid her head in the crook of my neck. "So you weren't out having donuts and cookies and ice cream all afternoon?" I said looking up Jermaine who gave me a soft smile.

"This is daddy-daughter information we cannot disclose," he said.

"Y'all ate right?" I asked him as I put Lex down. She ran off, probably to go and bother Dondria or play or something.

"Yeah we did..." he nodded as he sat down. "Baby, I'm sorry I took off like I did... I'm having a hard time dealing with the whole thing, I know I said I forgave you but I can't just supress how shit makes me feel you know?"

I nodded as I played with my fingers, "I get that..."

"We just gotta work on communication and shit," he shrugs, "I love you and I don't wanna lose you."

"Ditto baby," I put my fist up and fist pumped him.

"You gotta give me more than that," he smirked as he leant in closer to me. I soon stood inbetween his legs as he was on the bar stool and wrapped my arms around his neck, and his arms snaked their way around my waist.

"I love you," I told him before leaning in and kissing him slowly. He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss that went on for a while. As I pulled back I rested my head in his neck just taking him in.

"Hey... look at me," he held me up by my chin. "You're beautiful."

Shit, I don't know what it is about this nigga but after all these years he still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

We were having us a cute moment before Biggie walked in the kitchen huffing and puffing. "He needs to go on his walk," I said as I pulled away from Jermaine's embrace.

"We can go when you done eating.... Have a lil walk just the two of us," he smirked. Hell I don't even remember the last time we had alone time let alone anything along the lines of a date.

"Fuck you bruh," I flipped him off as I went to check on my pizza in the oven and he looked at me butthurt.

"What I do?"

"You bought this fucking dog and said you and Lex was gonna take care of him but I'm out here taking him on his daily walks and picking up his shit all the time," I said with a laugh.

"I knew you'd grow to like him,"

"I still hate dogs I only walk him because of you and Alexia... I'm about to stop though, now that you home he's all your responsibility nigga—"

"I'll just hire a dog walker then, shit,"

"No you won't... your lazy ass is gonna walk him yourself." I shook my head before sitting down with my plate.

After I ate, I grabbed my jacket and shoes and we let Don know we were heading out for a bit. It was nice, just being with my man after so long. We caught up, talked about music... he told me about the tour and asked how my EP was coming along and shit. He was someone I hadn't seen in a long time and that was my best friend... I missed that shit.

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