19: Catch me, don't you...

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A year later

Catch me don't you

Catch me don't you

Catch me I've fallen in love... for the first time

I couldn't help but smile as Jermaine played his song through the speakers. He wanted me to hear it... it was the only one on the album he'd let me hear so far.

"Whatchu think?" he smirked as he asked me.

"It's beautiful baby... this for the album?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "it's all part of a story... it'll make sense when you hear the whole thing,"

"I've never heard you be this vulnerable on a track, it's beautiful," I smiled before giving him a soft kiss.

He shrugged, "it was time to start being more authentic and transparent with my shit... how are you feeling though how was today?"

"It was good... I only threw up once," I gave him a soft smile, "I killed my board room meeting... we're looking into publishing deals with Colombia." I'd started my own independent label, but my artists were more R&B and neo-soul centred.

A lot had changed since last year, Jermaine and I were finally in a good place again and we'd made the move out of New York, and were living in Jersey, so we could still drive into the city for work cause that's where we were based. The house was bigger, we had a back yard and space for Lex to run around.... Dondria had moved in with us—she was basically Lex's big sister/second mom at this point. Oh and Jermaine somehow convinced me to let him get another damn dog. Things were looking up for us in all aspects of our life, well... almost all of them. I looked down at my bare ring finger and sighed. I never really brought it up, I wasn't trying to start a fight but you can't blame a girl for dreaming about her big day can you?

"Ayyyeee that's my boss ass bitch," he chuckled, nudging me.

"Call me a bitch one more time," I blinked.

"Come on baby you know what I meant—"

"I know you not tryna get no nookie talking to me like that," I mumbled.

"Trusssst I'm gon get it," he chuckled as I got up from the couch and left him by the controls in the studio.

"No you not, I'm out of business today..."

"You in business whenever the hell I say you are you hear me?" his palm met my ass as he smacked it.

"You are a damn fool Jermaine," I shook my head before grabbing my bag. "I'm going to pick up my child, when am I gonna see you again?"

"Ummmm Ari's coming through with Ib later do add some vocals to Change, I'll be home after that," he scratched the back of his head and looked up at me.

"Oh Ari's coming?" I exagerratedly asked with raised eyebrows.

"Cut that shit out,"

I walked over, grabbing his face and pecking him softly, "I coulda done those vocals easily,"

"I know baby but you the one who thinks you're too good for a J Cole album so I gotta find other people—"

"Why you lyin I never said that," I laughed pinching his cheeks.

"Nah I'm playin baby but I don't want you on background vocals... when we collab its gotta be natural and shit uno,"

"Yeah aight I hear you," I pecked him once more. "Text me let me know when you're coming home,"

"Aight baby be safe,"



It'd been a couple hours since Tess had left and I'd occupied myself working on some production then Ron was teaching me some chords on the keyboard that I was gonna incorporate into one of the songs. Ari was in the booth working on her background vocals on this song Change—her voice was perfect for the track.

"Yo this is magic," Ib nodded as he heard it back.

"Shits wild," I shook my head.... I'd never done an album like this I knew I had to do it justice. I had so much to say—I just wanted it to piece together perfectly. I guess I was a perfectionist in that sense.

I left the room for a minute to pick up my phone that was ringing.

"Aye momma wassup?" I cleared my throat as I walked through the hall way of the studio.

"Is my grandbaby with you?" she asked.

"I'm doing well ma thanks for askin—"

"Answer my question Jermaine."

"Nah," I chuckled, "Tess picked her up today—why are you asking?"

"Cause her cousins want to facetime,"

"Try and check with Tess ma but I don't think they're home..."

"When are you coming to see us?" she asked.

I sighed, "Soon mama.... We're just busy with work."

"Okay baby I'll let you get to it bye now,"

She hung up and I shook my head laughing. I loved my mama.

I returned to the studio and we finished on Change and wrapped for the night. Sam pulled up to the studio at 9, which is quite an early night considering sometimes we be up here till 6 in the morning. On the car ride home I was on my phone going through twitter.... I lurked a lot, but didn't move much on social media.


I got home and walked through the house to be greeted by my two pitbulls—Biggie and Smalls... Lex had a hand in choosing their names. I knelt down to pet them before I heard music blasting from the main room. Biggie and Smalls followed me into the living room where Lex and Tess were dancing in front of the TV.

"OKAY LADIESSSS NOW LETS GET IN FORMAAATIONNNN--!!" Lex yelled as she danced, with the puff on her head bouncing.

"CAUSE I SLAY," I dramatically yelled as I entered the room. The way Tess had my child recite Beyonce's albums was unbelievable, but I couldn't say nothing about it.

"DADDDDY--!!" she squealed as she ran into my arms.

"Hey baby girl," I kissed her cheek. "how was your day?"

"Good... I went ta school then mommy took me to Auntie Leish's house and I played wiff Riley and then and then we ate pizza and then I was on facetime with Mama Kay Kay and then me and mommy was dancing to the queen,"

"The queen?" I asked her amused.

"Yeah that's what mommy said.... The Queen of Bee—" she nodded assuringly.

I laughed shaking my head before looking up at Tess who looked proud of herself. "So you had a busy day huh?" I asked her and she rested in the crook of my neck. We normally had her in bed early, but I hadn't seen her all day so we let her stay up a lil so we could hang out.

Tess fixed me a plate, since they had already eaten and we were sat in the living room—just me and my girls.

"Baby I'm going to LA tomorrow for 3 days..." Tess said as she looked at her phone, probably going over emails.



"Aight cool... you want me to take you to the airport?"

"Yes please zaddddddy—" she stuck her tongue out at me.


"Nah Alexia we don't talk like that... don't say that again okay?" I said in my strict daddy voice and she frowned and refocused on the tv.

"I wanna take her with... she only has school on Friday anyway and then she can see my mom and sister while we're out there,"

"Oh so it's a family trip without me?" I asked.

"Not even.... I figured you were busy with recording and since I'm out there I'm gonna drop by and see my family—my mom hasn't seen Lex in months,"

"Neither has mine though," I mumbled.

"Then book a trip to the Ville and take her I don't see what that has to do with me," she frowned. "Baby, go upstairs and get ready for bath time I'm coming," she told Lex before getting up off the couch and heading out the room.

"We're talking about this later--!" I called out after her.


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