10 (Part II): Please Don't Disturb

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I'd called Tess about 5 times and she still aint pick up, so I just put my phone away and the joined the boys in the studio. We were in California for a couple days so we was working on the Revenge of the Dreamers 2 album. I was sitting in the back with Lute and Cozz as Bas laid down a verse—these vibes were great. Something about this tour, it was all about the music, this was my best tour to date. Can't lie though I missed my family. I was excited to see them in a couple days when we went to the Ville. Lowkey was more excited about my surprise proposal—Tess weren't gonna expect it at all. I smirked to myself just thinking about it.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out and saw a picture of Lex—she was facetiming me from her iPad. I grinned before excusing myself from the room to pick up. "Eyyy babygirl," I grinned as soon as I saw her face all huge on the screen. "How'd you call me?"

"I was playin wiff Dondria den I asked her to call you so I could see you," she nodded with a grin. "I miss you daddy,"

"I miss you more baby girl..." I mumbled. "Where's your momma?"

"Ummmmmm I dunno—Dondria said she's comin home later so we's just playing right now,"

"Oh word?" I looked at her amused. "Well what are you playing?"

"First we was doing some drawings then we was playing big cook little cook—"

"That sounds fun baby, you look cute today too,"

"Fank you dadddddddy I picked my clothes by myself mommy let me in the morning—" She smiled huge at me.

"Lemme talk to Don real quick," I then asked her and watched as she stood up and ran through the house with her iPad.

"Otaaayyy daddy one second!!!"

"Aye—no running in the house," I couldn't help but laugh.

She then handed the iPad to Dondria who was in the kitchen, probably making her a snack or something. "Hi Jermaine," she set it down and smiled.

"Aye, what's going on? Is she being good?"

"Yeah she is," she nodded. "just a lil sass here and there and some attitude when I tell her to do things,"

I sighed, "yeah she's a bit of a wiseass—you have our full permission to put her in her place when she act like that though, she knows she's not supposed to do that."

She laughed, "I most definitely will,"

"Uh—did Tess say what time she's getting home?"

"Yeah, she normally gets back around dinner time so she should be home soon."

"Aight thanks Don, I'll talk to you later—" I said before hanging up.



I left the studio and went straight to Zoe's. I don't know what the fuck just happened—but I kind of liked it? I was confused as shit, how the fuck did us working escalate to this so quickly and why the hell did I enjoy it that much? Let's get one thing straight I never ever ever ever in my entire life have cheated on a man ever ever ever I literally don't understand what came over me.

I rang the bell and she let me in.

"Wassup bih wassup bih," she smiled as she let me in, "you didn't bring my niece today—"

"Nah," I shook my head as I took my shoes off. "I have a lot to tell you please don't smack me."

"What did you do Tess?" she asked me boredly as we proceeded into the living room.

I explained to her from start to finish and she shook her head at me in disbelief.

"Why the fuck are you smiling while you're telling me this?" she asked me.

"I don't know maybe because he put it down??? Long dick and longevity???" I said dramatically making her laugh. "I'm a horrible person Zoe I'm going to hell,"

"Have you talked to Cole today?" she then asked and I frowned thinking of him.

I bit my lip thinking of him and frowned, suddenly hit by a huge wave of guilt in the pit of my stomach. "We talked this morning.... Then he called me while I was busy with Bryson—"

"omgggggggggggg so Bryson's balls deep and you get a call from Jermaine?" she asked.

"Stop it..." I frowned, feeling like a piece of shit. "I have to tell him..."

"Well no shit,"

"But you know we're going to the Ville at the end of the week to meet him for his show and spend time with his family and shit—I don't wanna ruin the trip."

"So tell him over the phone then,"

"Are you sure?

"Mhm, it'll give him some time to get over it before you see him."

I sighed, "he's gonna hate me.... What if he leaves me? Zoe I need him—he's the love of my life."

"Shoulda thought about that before you fucked Bryso—" before she could finish I stood up.

"Thanks so much I already feel like the biggest piece of shit you're not helping I'm leaving fuck you and goodbye,"

"I'm only being honest with you Tess,"

"Okay bitch but I don't need that right now I already know I fucked up," I said as I got back into my shoes before heading out the door to leave. I know, my anger was probably misplaced but as my best friend her job was to support me right now not call me out.

I checked my phone as I sat in the car; Don had said she'd make dinner for Lex so I didn't have to bring anything. I then looked at the missed calls from Jermaine and sighed before dialling his number.

It rang twice before he picked up.

"Shit I thought I wouldn't hear from you today... wassup baby?" he chuckled.

"Hey Jermaine..." I mumbled playing with my hands, "sorry I was working when you called—"

My heart started beating fast and my palms got sweaty. How was I supposed to tell the man that I loved that I'd betrayed him the way I did?

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