11: Fayettenam

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A few days later


Lex and I had just landed in the Ville, and were met by mama Kay and had come back to her house. Obviously Alexia was excited to see her grandma and I was excited to have a couple days off to be honest—after everything that happened last week, Bryson kept calling me and I kept dodging his calls. I didn't know what the hell to say to him.

I was in the guest room that Jermaine and I always slept in, unpacking some of our clothes and his mother came in the room. "Hey sweetie, do you want something to eat?"

"No thanks mama Kay, I'm good—" I faked a smile.

"You haven't said much since we picked you up," she frowned. "this isn't like you Tess.... What's going on?" sometimes I hated the fact that Jermaine's mom was a little white lady—she noticed the tiniest things.

"Nothing ma," I smiled once more. "I'm just tired it's been a long flight," I lied. The guilt was killing me and looking her in the eyes knowing what I'd done to her son.

"Okay baby," she nodded. "Well Jermaine's flights about to land so he'll be here soon..." she told me before heading out.

Okay, so I chickened out when we were on the phone and I didn't tell him. I figured it'd be best to tell him when I saw him. But right now, I had no idea how I was about to do that. I literally felt like the worst piece of shit on the planet and every time I thought about what I'd done I wanted to burst out into tears, which, I know, isn't fair because I'm a grown ass woman and I made the choices that I made and I did what I did. Still, dealing with the consequences of my actions was painful and I regretted what I did.

I knew I had to tell him when I saw him but I didn't know when or where would be the right time or place. He was happy to see his family again and I was about to bust that bubble—I could never do shit right.

- - -

I was sitting in the living room with Lex and mama Kay when Jermaine finally arrived. Lex immediately jumped up and ran out front as he got out the car and he immediately grinned as her picked her up.

"DADDDDDDDDY!!!" she squealed as he she kissed his face.

"Hey baby girllllll—" he was so happy to see her. "Daddy missed you,"

"Me too I missed ya daddy, I wanna show you a drawing that I did of you and me—"

He smiled before putting her down on her feet, "aight sweetie show me later then."

I was stood at the door watching them and smiling on before he approached me and picked me up as he'd done to our daughter.

"Jermaine!" I squealed as he carried me into the air. He squeezed my ass then put me back down before leaning in and kissing me. I grabbed his face deepening the kiss.

"I missed you," he mumbled against my lips.

"Same," I said before leaning in and kissing him again.

We didn't really get to talk because his mom called us inside for dinner. Soon, his brother Zach came over with his wife and their son. Then his auntie Connie and cousin Tyler came too. A bunch of Mama Kay's friends came through to say hi to Jermaine as well so it was a full house. Everyone was talking, eating and laughing that I didn't really get to see much of Cole all night.

- - -


I appreciated my moms doing all this for me, but I'd had a long flight and shit so when everyone left to go home I was excited I could finally get some rest. I came in the bedroom and Tess was just coming out the shower and was in her towel. Goddamn, my woman was so beautiful. She'd changed her hair—it was short this time. She sat on the bed while lotioning up. I know it'd been busy and shit since I got home but something felt weird... she'd barely spoken two words to me since I got here.

I watched her stand up to go and grab some clothes from the suitcase before coming up behind her and kissing her neck. "Why do I feel like you not excited to see me? You bein all distant and shit—"

"I have to tell you something," she mumbled before turning to face me.

"Wassup baby," I frowned when I noticed the look in her eyes.

"You're gonna hate me..." she said playing with her hands.

"Tess what did you do?"

"I fucked Bryson," she said while looking down at the floor.

She said that and my entire world just stopped. As if I heard her wrong.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I asked her lowly.

"Baby, I'm sorry—I didn't mean to—it never meant to escalate like that—I fucked up so bad and I'm so sorry—"

I felt my jaw clench up and all I could do was look at her.

"Jermaine I'm sorry..." she said and she began crying. Her tears weren't gonna do shit for me I was so fucking angry right now. I still stood there frozen, jaw clenched trying my hardest to calm myself down.

"Please talk to me..." she looked up at me, scared.

"Talk? Okay Tess..." I said as I approached her. "How was it?" I mumbled against her lips. "Did he do this?" I placed my fingers in her rubbing on her clit briefly and watched as she winced. I kept going before briefly pushing her up against the wall and leaning in and kissing her while I did it. "Did he do it better than me?" I asked her and she remained silent, maintaining her moans. "Did he fucking make you cum Tess?" I asked her before slipping my fingers out and stepping back. She sighed and looked at me like she was about to start crying.

"Don't even give me that bullshit right now, what the hell you wanna start crying for?!"

She wiped her eyes looking down.

I turned to leave the room, slamming the door behind me—I couldn't be in the same fucking room as her right now.

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