Chapter Five Dont Fight we're Family

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(Rachel gets to the hospital.) "Kurt, you should sit down." Said Rachel (they both sit.) "what happened?" Said Kurt. "So that day we went to a musical and it was fun." "Move it along. " "right, and afterwards we went to get coffee and we were walking back to the house when this dude was running fast past us and he bumped into Blaine." "O my God what happened?!" "He pushed Blaine and his bag or something cut Blaine and he was cut pretty bad. I took him to the Hospital and they fixed him up and as we were leaving he made me promise not to tell you." "W-why?" "Cause he didn't want you to weary. He didn't want you to feel like you were going to lose him." "Why didn't you tell me this?" "I told you. Because Blaine asked me not to." "You still should have." "I.." "I thought we were family Rachel! I thought we told each other everything! (He starts tearing up.) and you didn't tell me that my Husband got hurt." "I was just doing what he wanted." "You still should have told me! Your not my sister, your not my friend, we're not Family and we never were. Now go away." "Kurt.." "Go away!" "Ok." (She said softly and then left. Then she turns around.) "I know this is hard for you. But you shouldn't be pushing people away. Specially your family." (She leaves) "Blaine, (Kurt said talking to Blaine alone.) Rachel's right. I shouldn't be pushing them away. Their all my family every single one of them. I guess it's just that I...I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm losing you. And....and I'll never see your smile again (he starts crying.) Blaine. Please don't do this to me. I need you. I love you." "K....kk k-urt." Said Blaine weekly. "Blaine!" "I. I love you too. Remember Glee means Family." (He falls back a sleep. And Kurts stands there for stands there for a minute then leaves.) "Rachel!" (He says while coming in to the hotel room.) "Kurt?" (He hugs her.) "I'm sooo Sorry for the way I treated you." "It ok, your just upset about Blaine and what's going on." (The stop hugging.) "I'm also so sorry for saying we're not Family. Were all the strongest family ever." (Everybody hinge.) "I told you were always here for each other." Said Mr Shue. "We'll get through this together." Said Puck. (Kurt gets a call.) "yes? What? Yeah yeah I'll be right there." Said Kurt. "What?" Said Mr Shue. "That was the nurse." "Yeah?" Said Rachel. "He's going into surgery." Said Kurt.

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