Chapter 32 Bad Memorys Bring Up Bad Pain

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(Flash back.) "I think we should just go to the police about him." Said Madison  "We can't." Said Mason. "Why not?"
"Cause you don't know everything his done to us." "I know enough. And that's all I need." "If I could barley tell you that he tried to rape you how can I stand in front of a judge and fifty other people and tell them that and more." "You don't have to tell them more. That's enough to put him in jail alone." "No. They wont believe me. They'll just think that I was just s scared little boy making up things to get s parents in trouble." "Mason you have to do this." "I.I...." (quiet for a minute) "Please..." "I. I'm sorry. I I can't." (He leaves.) "if you won't do this, I'll do it myself!" "Go ahead! Control the situation like you every time!" "Don't you say that to me!" "I don't need you! I'm done with you!" "Good!" "Good! (He starts to leave then turns around.) you what? I should have just died....then you would have had to take care of me." "Mason!" "That would have made you life a hell of lot easier." "Stop this..." "What? You can't control what I say any more?" "Get back here!" "No, I should just go die!" "Fine! Go!" (It was quiet for a few minutes they just stared at each other with tears in their eyes.) "Well now I know how you feel." (He walks way.) "Mason. Mason. Mason!" (Flash back over.) "Madison?" Said Rachel. "Yeah?" (Said Madison waking up.) "Are you ok?" "Yeah. I'm fine. (Quiet for a minute.) No. No I'm not." (She starts crying and Rachel hugs her.) "it's ok. It's going to be ok." (In the waiting room.) "Is anyone wondering why we haven't heard anything about  Mason yet?" (Said Spencer finally breaking the silence.) "He's probably still in surgery" said Roderick. (Speaker: we need nurses Frankie, Rose,Callie, and Jenna in room 2.1.4 repeat I need nurses Frankie,Rose,Callie, and Jenna in room 2.1.4 thank you.) "Excuse me, nurse. Who's room is that?" Said Mr Schue. "It belongs to a Mr Humble-Anderson." "What?" Said Kurt coming. "Yeah." "He's room was 1.3.6 when did he move?" "A couple of hours ago." "Why wasn't I called." "Are you family?" "I'm his husband." "O well Mr." "Kurt Humble-Anderson." "Yes Kurt. You see your husband is have a psychotic break and needs help right now." "What?"

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